Volume 6: The Crown, The Treaty and the Hauraki Tribes, 1880-1980

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Preface: page vii  (1 pages)
Chapter Overview
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My name is Robyn Anderson. I am a Ph.D. graduate from the University of Toronto, Canada. In the past I have written or contributed to the 'Historical Report on Wellington Lands,' a report prepared for the Crown Congress Joint Working Party, 1993; 'Wellington District,' Waitangi Tribunal Rangahaua Whanui Series, 1996; and 'Goldmining: Policy, Legislation, and Administration,' Waitangi Tribunal Rangahaua Whanui Series, 1996.

This report, The Crown, the Treaty, and the Hauraki Tribes, 1880–1980, was commissioned by the Hauraki Maori Trust Board in 1994, and is the result of more than three years of research in which a number of people and organisations have been involved.

A number of researchers have worked on various stages of this project: David Taipari, Suzanne Woodley, Jim McNicolas and Mary Gillingham. This report would not have been possible without the contribution of their work. The same may be said of David Alexander whose work, The Hauraki Tribal Lands, has been incorporated into this overview. Barry Bradley of the Cartographic Art Company and John McEnteer produced the maps. To all these people my many thanks.

Finally, my thanks to the Hauraki Maori Trust Board, and the people whom they represent, for their patience in waiting for the completion of this report.