Volume 8 Part 3: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Ohinemuri District: page 16  (79 pages)
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Ohinemuri District: Ohinemuri

the documents you require respecting the Ohinemuri deed if the whole document was forwarded to me. Cannot verify and attest unless I recognise them on the original deed as having been attached in my presence. James Mackay RM." Unless there is no other way of getting over what appears to me to be Mr Mackay's unusual excess of cautiousness, I shall have to send the deed to him at Greymouth, but that will prohibit me buying one interest during the time it is away unless I get a new deed prepared, and I could not get the original deed back until some time after the Court opens. I shall have to ask for adjournment of case called on early. Please reply at once if you agree to my sending the deed to Greymouth.25

He was told that

It could not be expected that Mr Mackay would attest signatures to a Deed unless the Deed was before him. The risk of sending the conveyance by post is too great now. He might be from home and an adjournment of the case might jeopardise the land passing the Court at its present sitting. You must do the best you can with the Deed and vouchers as they are. Would Mr Mackay's assistance if he were summoned to attend the Court give you great help? If you desire his being present as a necessity, telegraph at once.26

Wilkinson was also told that

If you require the services of Mr Puckey to assist you in putting the Ohinemuri land through the Court, and he is willing, you are authorised to arrange with him. The case cannot start for more last for more than a week or two. Native Minister has authorised your being imprested with sum of £1000. A further sum will be authorised if required. It is understood that you make no advances out of this money on any land that the Court has not determined the title and named Grantees. This to apply to the Ohinemuri Block also. A letter has been written you respecting rations. You can expend the sum of £25 if necessary for rations to those Natives who are interested in assisting the Government to the title visiting Ohinemuri from a distance. Harata Patene's claim for £200 cannot be allowed.27

In early June 1880 Wilkinson reported that

the instructions received the other day that I am not to make any more payments on Ohinemuri until the interests are defined by the Court will indirectly assist the natives in their desire to have the Ohinemuri case adjourned to another Court. Before receiving these instructions I might have bought out some of the opposing interests, and the remainder who held aloof could have had their interest cut out in one block and the rest could have gone to the Crown. But now I think the Court must go into the whole matter of title in order to define the separate interests, and as there are some twelve or fifteen different divisions or hapus of the Ohinemuri tribes all of whom have a claim, I don't see how the Court can define their interests without separate surveys being made for each block With regard to the £25 authorised to buy food for Natives, barely buy tea for them, not to mention sugar to sweeten it with, and I question if it will be advisable for me to issue anything at all, as the amount authorised would go such a little way only. I cannot help thinking that instead of being allowed every assistance on a case of this sort, I am winged and crippled to such an extent as to reduce my chances of success to a minimum.28

He was told that

Hon Native Minister has directed me to reply to your telegram received this morning, that the difficulty appears to have been created by yourself so far as the £1000 imprest is concerned, that

25 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Thames to Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department, 26 May 1880. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1881/246. Supporting Papers #B36.33–35.

26 Telegram Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department to Land Purchase Officer Thames, 27 May 1880. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1881/246. Supporting Papers #B36.36.

27 Telegram Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department to Land Purchase Officer Thames, 31 May 1880. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1881/246. Supporting Papers #B36.37.

28 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Thames to Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department, 4 June 1880. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1881/246. Supporting Papers #B36.38–42.