Volume 8 Part 3: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Ohinemuri District: page 61  (79 pages)
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Ohinemuri District: Ohinemuri 17

The value of this block of land consists in the gold mines which are situated upon it, also the mining quartz battery, the water race, tramway, butcher's shop, and some farm sections which are let at certain rentals. It is of much more value than Ohinemuri No 20.62

Mair explained that

The land mentioned in this letter is the level land at Waitete close to the Waihi Township. I am informed that it is a most desirable block to acquire. There are 75 owners of the 1120 acres. About a dozen are dead, but applications for succession are coming before the present Court. The natives assure me that over forty would sign at once for the price mentioned, viz 10/- per acre.63

He followed this up with a telegram 3 days later.

Most of the owners are here and wish to sell at once. They ask ten shillings an acre. There are batteries, water races, mining claims, houses etc, on the block and some portions are already leased to Europeans. Have posted you offer to sell from owners. Mr Nicholls strongly urges purchase by Crown. What shall I tell natives?64

Ten days later he telegraphed again.

The natives are in such want of money for Court fees that I believe I could obtain a number of signatures within the next few days at seven shillings and sixpence (7/6d) per acre. From all accounts it is a most desirable block to acquire.65

Purchase at 7/6d an acre was approved.66 He was told that

Ngatikoi reserves were returned and granted in undefined shares to Natives who sold in first instance in Ohinemuri 4, 8 and 17. The certificate of title contains no information on the subject, but there is in the Native Land Court a list of the Natives who sold and the area in each case disposed of This list was lent to the Clerk of the Court at Paeroa in June i882 by Mr Gill. The Clerk afterwards returned a copy of it, and stated that Judge Heale directed him to retain the original. I will send you the copy lest original cannot be found, but my own impression is that the shares should be regarded as equal. The Government paid for the land at five shillings an acre, and then gave it back as a means of support. Having acquired the right to mine over the land, I don't see the utility of the purchase at all, except to divert the revenues from the Natives to the local bodies. Not a penny will come into the Treasury out of the transaction. If the Natives desire to treat the shares as otherwise than equal, they must be as nearly unanimous as possible.67

Mair replied that he had found the list in the Native Land Court office

in Mr Gill's writing, showing these natives to have sold 11,700 acres and stating area sold by each person. 10% on this gives the 1170 acres [of the reserve]. The natives claim the right of being paid according to this arrangement, and are practically unanimous in the matter. It is more trouble

but there will be discontent unless purchase money is so paid. I think I had better, so do you approve? 68

62 Herekiuha Muroa and others, Paeroa, to Land Purchase Officer Thames, 7 November 1894. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1920/31. Supporting Papers #B174.7-9.

63 Land Purchase Officer Thames to Chief Land Purchase Officer, 7 November 1894, on Herekiuha Muroa and others, Paeroa, to Land Purchase Officer Thames, 7 November 1894. Maori Affairs Head Office file

MLP 1920/31. Supporting Papers #B174.7-9.

64 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Thames to Chief Land Purchase Officer, 10 November 1894. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1920/31. Supporting Papers #B174.10-11.

65 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Thames to Chief Land Purchase Officer, 20 November 1894. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1920/31. Supporting Papers #B174.12.

66 Telegram Chief Land Purchase Officer to Land Purchase Officer Thames, undated. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1920/31. Supporting Papers #B174.13-14.

67 Chief Land Purchase Officer to Land Purchase Officer Thames, 22 November 1894. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1920/31. Supporting Papers #B174.15-17.

68 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Thames to Chief Land Purchase Officer, 22 November 1894. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1920/31. Supporting Papers #B174.18-19.