Volume 8 Part 3: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Ohinemuri District: page 13  (79 pages)
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Cession of Gold Mining Rights

In January 1872, when outlining the services he could offer as a land purchase agent for the Government, James Mackay wrote about what he then termed the Ohinemuri Block.

This has not been surveyed, the probable area is 100,000 acres. Of this, one third is fit for settlement irrespective of requirements for Native reserves. Gold has been found in three or four places within this territory, but I have reason to believe it will be more difficult of access than at the Thames and Coromandel fields. This block can only be acquired by degrees and by very carefully conducted negotiations.'

In June 1872 Mackay reported on the work he was undertaking to purchase a number of blocks in the Hauraki district, including the Ohinemuri block.

With reference to the acquirement of the Ohinemuri district, I am happy to state that the negotiations for the telegraph line, and the subsequent dealings with the Ngatitamatera tribe for the Cape Colville and Waikawau blocks, have materially aided in bringing about a better feeling in the minds of the Natives, and I think I am justified in stating that the time is fast approaching when that district will be available for European settlement and mining. I cannot, however, too strongly impress on the Government the necessity of not pushing this question, as any appearance of haste or pressure will retard its settlement. I have in that portion of this report which refers to the Waikawau block sufficiently indicated the state of the Native mind in that district.2

1 J Mackay, Auckland, to Minister of Public Works, 24 January 1872. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1885/18. Supporting Papers #B54.1-26. AJHR, 1873, G-8, pages 1-5. Supporting Papers

2 J Mackay, Auckland, to Minister of Public Works, 22 June 1872. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1881/246. Supporting Papers #B36.1-10.