Volume 8 Part 3: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Ohinemuri District: page 54  (79 pages)
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Maori Land Blocks of the Ohinemuri District: Ohinemuri

On the application of the Crown,9 the Court in October 1887 separately defined the interests the Crown had purchased in Ohinemuri 13A. It awarded the Crown Ohinemuri 13A1 of 12 acres 1 rood, leaving the 3 non-sellers, Wiremu Ngarewa, Tuipirihi Taha and Wiremu Wepiha, with Ohinemuri 13A2 of 27 acres 3 roods.10

The Court's awards were shown on a survey plan computed in the Survey Office.11 Ohinemuri 13A1 was declared Crown Land in August 1888.12

Ohinemuri 13A2

Ohinemuri 13A2 remains Maori Land.

9 Native Minister to Chief Judge Native Land Court, 27 January 1886. Maori Land Court Hamilton Miscellaneous Papers file H8n. Supporting Papers #L4.41.

to Hauraki Minute Book 19 page 233. Supporting Papers #J25.14.

Order of the Court (Ohinemuri 13A1), 4 October 1887. Maori Land Court Hamilton Block Orders file H811. Supporting Papers #K57.104–105.

Order of the Court (Ohinemuri 13A2), 4 October 1887. Maori Land Court Hamilton Block Orders file H2353. Suporting Papers #K92.1.

11 Hamilton Maori Land plan 3416(3). Suppoting Papers #N127.

12 New Zealand Gazette 1888 pages 899–900. Supporting Papers #W21.2–3.