Volume 8 Part 3: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Ohinemuri District: page 50  (79 pages)
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Ohinemuri District: Ohinemuri 8

Ngatitangata Reserve

This block, when surveyed, was given a fresh appellation of Section 1 Block II Waihi North Survey District.

In April 1883 Keti Watene claimed that she and Te Tuhi-o-te-Rangi had been promised by the chiefs of Ngati Tangata in 1878 that they were to receive 200 acres of the 1000 acre reserve for Ngati Tangata. James Mackay had agreed to this arrangement on behalf of the Government. She asked that this promise, which "was not allowed by Mr Gill at the sitting of the Court", be honoured.10 The Native Minister was advised by Gill that

In 1878 Mr James Mackay promised that a reserve of 1000 acres should be made for Ngatitangata out of the Ohinemuri block purchase. These people, with Mr Mackay's concurrence, agreed to give 200 acres to Keti Watene. The giving of this 1000 acres must be looked on as subject to the whole of the Ohinemuri block being acquired by the Government, but as only a portion was purchased, the 1000 acre reserve was not made. The Native Land Court in 1882, on the application of the Government, awarded to Her Majesty 73,431 acres, out of which 12 reserves of 6,636 acres have been set aside by orders of the Court for the grantees who sold their interest to the Government. The applicant Keti Watene has an interest with her people in one of the reserves. I think the reply should be that the question of the Ohinemuri reserves and the promises made by Mr Mackay were fully discussed at the sitting of the Native Land Court at Paeroa last year, and that the arrangement then come to cannot be disturbed.11

The Native Minister agreed.

There is no equity in this claim. The 1,000 acre reserve was to have been made, but it was contingent on the whole of the block passing into the hands of the Government, which it never did. The Maoris who made [Keti Watene] the promise cited certainly did not fulfil their promise as the whole arrangement practically fell through. Other interests in the block have been acquired by [Keti Watene] under decision of the Court, and she seems to have suffered no injustice. But in any case I do not see how the Government should be responsible for the failure of the natives to carry out a promise, even though Mr Mackay did consent to the arrangement.12

Keti Watene was written to with this reply.

In July 1883 the surveyor who was marking out the reserve wrote to Chief Surveyor.

It will be noticed that the southern boundary cuts the Houmanga ridge in two, leaving part of the settlement in the Reserve and part (the most used portion) outside.

I am not aware if this was desired in allocating the Reserve, but from enquiries made of me and remarks that have come to my knowledge, I believe that very probably application may be made to take up as an agricultural lease in the Goldfield that portion of Houmanga ridge immediately to the south of the reserve. If this is done with the intention of making use of the cultivations and whares now belonging to the Maoris settled there, it might cause hardship.

Only the southern side of Houmanga Bay is suited for cultivations, excluding small isolated patches difficult of access, although for ship and building purposes no doubt by and bye the pohutukawa timber all through the Bay will command a ready sale.13

10 Keti Watene to Mr Rolleston MHR, 3 April 2883. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1889/268. Supporting Papers #B69.12–15.

11 Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department to Native Minister, 27 June 1883, on cover sheet to file Crown Lands 1883/995. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1889/268. Supporting Papers #B69.16–18.

12 File note by Native Minister, 9 July 1883, on cover sheet to file Crown Lands 1883/995. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 2889/268. Supporting Papers #B69.16–18.

13 N Kenny, Authorised Surveyor, Thames, to Chief Surveyor Auckland, 14 July 1883. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1889/268. Suppoting Papers #B69.19.