Volume 8 Part 3: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Ohinemuri District: page 45  (79 pages)
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Ohinemuri District: Ohinemuri 4

When asked, the Chief Surveyor reported that

The Reserve is laid off as settled in Court. Doubtless the natives were mistaken as to the locality, not being accustomed to maps.29

There is no further record of this grievance until February 1885, when the new Native Minister, Ballance, held a meeting at Thames. At this meeting, Hapi Rewi told him that

There was fifty acres put on one side for us, but there is no timber on it at all. We want that substituted for a piece within the Ohinemuri No 7 block, on which there is some firewood and some timber. If it is given to us within Ohinemuri No 7, we can then get a supply of fencing and other timber. There is a road over the portion that we want, but the bridge is broken at present, but the Europeans are going to repair it.30

Wilkinson reported on this matter in October 1885.

This refers to a timber reserve for the Ngatikoi tribe. It consisted of 50 acres and was surveyed within the Ohinemuri No 4 block, adjoining an agricultural section owned by a European named Savage. When the survey was completed, it was found that either there was no access to the land, or that there was no suitable timber on it. I spoke to the Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department about it, and so did the natives, with a view of getting the position altered, but it does not seem that anything was done in the matter. Supposing that Hapi Rewi's statement about there not being any timber on the land surveyed is correct, it seems a mockery to give natives land for a timber reserve without any timber on it, or at a place where they have not free access to it.31

But the reaction in Wellington was that "this reserve is laid off as settled in Court",32 and no further action was taken.

The Ngati Koi reserve, when surveyed, was given the appellation Section 1 Block XV Ohinemuri Survey District. It was included in a single Crown Grant with a further 1120 acre

reserve to Ngati Koi which was awarded in Ohinemuri 8 and 17.33

The sale of this reserve, including the 50 acre portion, is covered in the section on Ohinemuri 17.

29 Chief Surveyor Auckland to Native Agent Auckland, 8 August 1883, on cover sheet to file NLP 1883/133. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1889/268. Supporting Papers #B69.23.

30 AJHR, 1885, G–1, page 32. Supporting Papers #U18.3. Copy on Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1889/268. Supporting Papers #B69.57.

31 Native Agent Alexandra to Under Secretary Native Department, 10 October 1885. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1889/268. Supporting Papers #B69.58.

32 File note by Accountant Native Department, 21 October 1885, on cover sheet to file NLP 1885/300. Maori

Affairs Head Office file MLP 1889/268. Supporting Papers #B69.59.

33 Hamilton Land Registry Certificate of Title 40/70. Supporting Papers #P7.