Volume 8 Part 3: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Ohinemuri District: page 44  (79 pages)
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Ohinemuri District: Ohinemuri 4

Crown Purchase of Interests in Ohinemuri 4A

The 12 non-sellers awarded this block were Te Hira Te Tuiri, Hori Te Ngatete, Wano Te Paura, Te Wharehumu, Te Pirihi Taha, Wiremu Ngarewa, Hamiora Pakeke, Riki Waitupua, Huria Ani, Paora Tiunga, Te Wi Te Raro and Wiremu Wepiha.7

The interests of 9 of the owners in the block were purchased by the Crown.8

On the application of the Crown,9 the Court in October 1887 separately defined the interests the Crown had purchased in Ohinemuri 4A, awarding the Crown Ohinemuri 4A1 of 756 acres, and leaving the three non-sellers10 with Ohinemuri 4A2 of 189 acres.11

The Court's awards were shown on a survey plan computed in the Survey Office.12

Ohinemuri 4A1 was declared Crown Land in August 1888.13

Crown Purchase of Ohinemuri 4A2

The interest of Tuipirihi Taha was purchased by the Crown in April 1895.14

In December 1897 the Crown applied to have its interests in Ohinemuri 4A2 defined.15 On the day the application was to be heard, in November 1898, Ngarewa and Wiremu Wepiha sold their interests to the Crown.16 This meant the Crown owned all the shares, so the Court awarded the whole block to the Crown.17

Ohinemuri 4A2 was declared Crown Land in July 1899.18

500 Acre and 293 Acre Reserves

When these two reserves were surveyed they were given fresh appellations:

500 acres Section 1 Block xII Ohinemuri Survey District19

293 acres Section 2 Block xIII Ohinemuri Survey District20

A single Crown Grant for these two reserves was issued.21

7 Order of the Court, 27 June 1882. Maori Land Court Hamilton Block Orders file H811. Suppporting Papers #K57.41.

8 Auckland Deed 1661. Supporting Papers #A191.

9 Native Minister to Chief Judge Native Land Court, 27 January 1886. Maori Land Court Hamilton Miscellaneous Papers file H811. Supporting Papers #L4.41.

10 Two of the non-sellers held one full share each, while the third held a 1/4 share.

11 Hauraki Minute Book 19 pages 208–209. Supporting Papers #J25.8–9.

Order of the Court (Ohinemuri 4A1), 1 October 1887. Maori Land Court Hamilton Block Order file H811. Supporting Papers #K57.96–97.

Order of the Court (Ohinemuri 4A2), 1 October 1887. Maori Land Court Hamilton Block Orders file H1349. Supporting Papers #K89.1–2.

12 Hamilton Maori Land plan 3416(2). Supporting Papers #N127.

13 New Zealand Gazette 1888 pages 899–900. Supporting Papers #W21.2–3.

14 Auckland Deed 3172. Supporting Papers #A294.

15 Minister of Lands to Chief Judge Native Land Court, 29 December 1897. Maori Land Court Hamilton Block Orders file H1349. Supporting Papers #K89.3.

16 Auckland Deed 3172. Supporting Papers #A294.

17 Hauraki Minute Book 49 page 355. Supporting Papers #J56.4.

Order of the Court, 19 November 1898. Maori Land Court Hamilton Block Orders file H1349. Supporting Papers #K89.4–5.

18 New Zealand Gazette 1899 pages 1359–1361. Suppoting Papers #W32.1–3.

19 Hamilton Maori Land plan 9555. Supporting Papers #N249.

20 Hamilton Maori Land plan 9858. Supporting Papers #N253.

21 Hamilton Land Registry Certificate of Title 42/71. Supporting Papers #P10.