Volume 8 Part 3: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Ohinemuri District: page 40  (79 pages)
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When the Court opened the hearing into the investigation of the title to the Ohinemuri Block, Hakopa Te Ngaro explained that

I belong to Ngatiporou and reside at Mataora. I have a claim on a portion of this land, it is marked on the map. This land was given to us by Paora Te Putu of Ngatitamatera. We have occupied it ever since. No boundaries were named by Paora Te Putu. The boundaries were named afterwards by Karaitiana Kihau, Tupeka and others, the boundaries are shown on the tracing before the Court.1

Karaitiana Kihau of Ngati Tamatera confirmed the gift.2

1 Hauraki Minute Book 12 page 347. Supporting Papers M18.57.

2 Hauraki Minute Book 12 page 347. Supporting Papers #J18.57.