Volume 8 Part 3: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Ohinemuri District: page 39  (79 pages)
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Ohinemuri District: Ohinemuri

When the Court was adjudicating on the Ohinemuri block, the Natives (especially Hapi Rewi) asked for an unlimited number of tapu reserves, but it was only cases of genuine and well known tapus that were allowed by the Court. In all probability the reserve referred to by Hapi Rewi was not recognised by the Court, and no provision made for it.153

Hapi Rewi was told there were no reserves in Ohinemuri 7.154

Issue of Crown Grants for Reserves

In 1885 a series of Crown Grants were issued for the reserves in the blocks awarded to the Crown.

Purchase of Interests of Non-Sellers

The Crown continued to seek to purchase interests in those 'A' subdivisions of the Ohinemuri blocks which had not been awarded to the Crown by the June and July 1882 Court. In August 1882 Wilkinson telegraphed to Wellington that

The question is being asked whether reserves will be given to those who now sell their shares of the unsold working of the Ohinemuri Goldfields Blocks. Please reply, and if reserves are to be allowed, say what proportion.155

The Native Minister was asked to approve the purchase of further interests.

In a Memorandum ... dated 24 the April 1882, I noted that the sum of £10,471–6–0d would probably be required to complete the purchase of the Ohinemuri Goldfield land, 73,431 acres. Since then the Native Land Court has given to Government a title to 66,017 acres, the payments to complete which have been £6,004–6–6d.

The balance of the land 7,414 acres marked on plan in 19 separate pieces should I submit be purchased as occasion offers. The price per acre to be paid being six shillings (6/-). This would require £2,224-–4–0d.156

The Minister approved the purchase, adding that

In purchasing these remaining pieces at the advanced price, it will be understood that the sellers have no claim on any Reserves in consequence of such sale.157

Wilkinson was then told that

In purchasing the interests of unsold grantees cut out from the Ohinemuri Blocks by the Native Land Court last month, you will please explain that no further reserves will be made. The price per acre you are authorised to pay for the land is six shillings, the extra shilling is an equivalent to the reserves set apart for those who sold prior to Court making the orders.158

The first purchase that Wilkinson concluded was of Ohinemuri 9A in February 1883.

153 Native Agent Alexandra to Under Secretary Native Department, 10 October 1885. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1889/268. Supporting Papers #B69.55.

154 Under Secretary Native Department to Hapi Rewi, 26 January 1886, referred to on cover sheet to file NLP

1885/307. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1889/268. Supporting Papers #B69.56.

155 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Thames to Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department, 2 August 1882. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1889/268. Supporting Papers #B69.4.

156 Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department to Native Minister, 4 August 1882. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1889/268. Supporting Papers #B69.5.

157 File note by Native Minister, 5 August 1882, on Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department to Native Minister, 4 August 1882. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1889/268. Supporting Papers #B69.5.

158 Telegram Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department to Land Purchase Officer Thames, 7 August 1882. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1889/268. Supporting Papers #B69.6.