Volume 8 Part 3: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Ohinemuri District: page 25  (79 pages)
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Ohinemuri District: Ohinemuri

Should the Chief Judge consent to the proposed sales, I would be glad if he would be so good as to say whether a trustee has any discretion [or] any powers, where the proceeds of sale are of small amount, viz. whether he can, having due regard to the duties of his trust, pay over to the minor, or on the minor's behalf to any other person, any money other than the interest of proceeds of sale invested in Government securities. Section 5 Maori Real Estate Management Act 1877 seems to be imperative.88

Before the Chief Judge would consider the matter, the opinion of a valuer (referred to at this time as a valuator) was obtained. The valuer reported that

The trustees propose to sell for five shillings (5/-) an acre, and this I consider a very fair price for land of that class. It is the full market value.89

(viii) Huhana Kahumangomango (Susannah Sorenson)

In October 1880 Susannah Sorenson approached Wilkinson about getting the area she had been awarded by the Court surveyed and allocated to her. She also raised the matter of a promise made to her by Sheehan when Native Minister to grant her so acres of land at Ohinemuri. Wilkinson forwarded the request to Wellington.

I have the honour to forward herewith a letter from Susannah Sorenson (nee Robinson), a half caste of Ohinemuri, whose name has been inserted in the Orders of the Court as Huhana Kahumangomango for block numbers 2, 7 and 8 of the subdivisions of Ohinemuri Gold Fields, asking that her portion of the Gold Field be surveyed as soon as convenient in order that she may take possession of and occupy the same.

I may state for your information that the portion referred to by Mrs Sorenson is a block of 50 acres promised to her by Mr Sheehan when Native Minister, on the recommendation of Mr James Mackay, in commutation of all her claims over and within the Ohinemuri Gold Field.

This promise was made before the block had passed the Native Lands Court, but it was understood that Mrs Sorenson had certain claims therein which were intended to be covered by this reserve.

During the investigation of the Ohinemuri Block by the Native Land Court, Mrs Sorenson proved her title to portions of the above mentioned block, the number of acres owned by her through her individual shares being altogether 1551/2 1/2 acres, which she now agrees to give up to the Government on condition of their securing to her the 50 acre reserve promised by the late Native Minister.

It may perhaps require explanation as to why Mrs Sorenson should prefer 50 acres promised to her by Mr Sheehan, when she has 1551/2 acres in her own right within the block, but were she to elect to take her own acres, she would possibly have to take them in three different portions of the whole Gold Fields Block, and also stand the chance of getting them on the summit of a hill or in the middle of a swamp, which would be utterly useless for herself and family to settle upon. She therefore prefers the 50 acres of land that she can cultivate, to a larger area that might be useless other than for mining purposes.

Upon it being finally settled that she is to get the reserve promised her, she has agreed to sign the Ohinemuri Gold Fields deed of conveyance, which will make over without any monetary consideration all her right title and interest in the whole block to the Crown.90

88 EW Puckey to Registrar Native Land Court Auckland, 22 April 1884 on Land Purchase Officer Thames to EW Puckey, Auckland, 20 April 1881. Maori Land Court Hamilton Correspondence file H883. Supporting Papers #L5.8–10.

89 HE Williams, Auckland, to Chief Clerk Native Land Court Auckland, 11 May 1881. Maori Land Court Hamilton Correspondence file H883. Supporting Papers #L5.11.

90 Native Agent Thames to Under Secretary Native Department, 15 October 1880. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1880/777. Supporting Papers #B32.8–13.