Volume 8 Part 3: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Ohinemuri District: page 24  (79 pages)
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Ohinemuri District: Ohinemuri

Tahana will remember to give effect to the words of the Apostle so freely quoted by one of them. But, knowing what I do of the two men, I must say that I very much doubt whether they will do


In November 1880 Te Tahana Potiki of Otautu wrote to the Native Minister.

I have a word for you concerning the shares of Ngamane Honana and his younger brother in the Ohinemuri Goldfields. I ask you to pay the money due to them, they are orphans. Do you show them consideration and deal generously with me their guardian. I am an old man and unable to maintain them. Friend, pay them their money so that they may be provided with food, clothes, and lodging. Be charitable to the orphans, you are the parent of the Maoris. Whether you grant my request or not, please write to me. If these children were of age and able to earn their own living, they probably would not take the money, but as it is they ask to be maintained.77

Wilkinson was asked to see Te Tatana and inform him that the money could only be paid to duly authorised trustees. Wilkinson replied that he had written to Te Tatana rather than seen him, as he "lives some distance beyond Coromandel and does not often come here".78

A similar request was sent by Pehimana Potiki, also of Otautu.

This is a word of mine to you regarding the shares of my grandchild in the Ohinemuri Goldfields (Thames Goldfield). I desire if you approve that her money should be paid to me, because my grandchild, whose name is Taukiri, is unfortunately situated. Her mother is dead and her father, a half caste, does not support her. I am a widower and unable to provide for her, therefore it is that I ask you that her money may be paid for her maintenance while she is growing up.79

Wilkinson reported at the end of December 1880 to Wellington on the work he was doing. He had drawn up a schedule of minors and proposed trustees, adding that

I have not suggested the name of any European to act as co-trustee with the Natives for the above mentioned shares (except in two cases which are exceptional) as I do not know of any European in the Ohinemuri District who has the confidence of such a number of Natives sufficiently to cause him to be appointed as co-trustee with them, and, as I understand that after the trustees are appointed it is the intention of the Government to acquire these shares by purchase, it appears to me that to have any European concerned in the matter as co-trustee will rather hinder than otherwise the acquisition of these shares by the Government. If however you still wish that a European should be associated with the Native trustees in every case, I will endeavour to find one who will be suitable, but I do not think the appointment of anyone would be looked upon with satisfaction by the Natives.

You will notice by reference to the Schedule that there are 56 minors, representing in all 114 shares, the most of which can be bought as soon as the appointment of trustees has been gazetted and the sales sanctioned by a Judge of the Native Lands Court in the usual way.80

76 Land Purchase Officer Thames to Registrar Native Land Court Auckland, 28 October 1880. Maori Land Court Hamilton Correspondence file H883. Suppoprting Papers #L5.7.

77 Te Tahana Potiki, Otautu, to Native Minister, 12 November 1880. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1881/246. Supporting Papers #B36.125–127.

78 Land Purchase Officer Thames to Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department, 15 January 1881, on cover sheet to file NO 1880/4085. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1881/246. Supporting Papers #B36.128.

79 Pehimana Potiki, Otautu, to Native Minister, 14 November 1880. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1881/246. Supporting Papers #B36.129–132.

80 Land Purchase Officer Thames to Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department, 28 December 1880. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1881/246. Supporting Papers #B36.133–40.

Wilkinson provided two further schedules of additional names of minors, the first of 5 minors in February 1881, and the second with one minor in April 1881. Land Purchase Officer Thames to Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department, 7 February 1881, and 20 April 1881. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1881/246. Supporting Papers #B36.41–42 and 47–48.