Volume 9 Part 26: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Volume 9 Part 26: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers: page 36  (438 pages)
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whereof we do and. each of us doth hereby jointly and severally

.... aoltnowledge) Do and each of us doth hereby transfer to the said Frances-


White the Whole of our and each of our estate and. interest in the said piece of land.   


   IN WITNESS WEEREOF we have hereunto subscribed our names ---.

this Second     day of Dec ember     191 3 .   

-- SIGNED severally by each .of -the Aboriginal Natives named in the — first column of the schedule hereunder who respectively signed their--- • names in the second column of- the said' schedule in the pres eno e of us' .the attesting witnesses whose signatures are subscribed in the third and    
fourth column of the said. schedule opposite to the names of the Natives-'

whose signatures we respectively 'attest and we the attesting witness es   ;--

hereby severally certify as follows namely :    

-----1.-- THAT before the said Natives or any of them signed this deed:— •---.

t her e was endorsed thereon    

—(a) a plan of the land affected by the said Mernorandum of

Transfer.      — —

(b) a Etat anent in the •Maori Language certified by a Licensed

Inter pr et er of the First Grade as correctly setting forth the,-

mat erial contents thereof.   

2.- THAT the said. Natives signed this deed On the respective

dates-set forth in the fifth column of the said. schedule opposite to

their respective signatures'and that prior to their so s iming such *:'' dates were stated in the said fifth column and that the proportion-, of the purchase money payable to each was set out in the sixth --- column AND I the duly licensed Interpreter whose i mat ure • appears in the fourth column of the:Ai-lid schedule do hereby certify that -- the effect of this deed was 'explained by r..o to each of the Natives-,whose A rbAt Ur CA I attested before he or she executed the same and-, that each of them understood the effect thereof.    
