Volume 9 Part 26: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Volume 9 Part 26: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers: page 30  (438 pages)
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•   "

IN THE MATTER of The Native Land Amendment    ,
Act 1913 and in the matter of The Land Transfer Act 1908 and in the matter of a Memorandum of Transfer from Ani Jane Edwards

Eli zabeth Lipsey and others to William   • Deeble of certain undivided interests in ..;

Makumaku   5 F Block situated at Pi ako. in the Provincial District of Auckland.

.• I WILLIAM DEEBLE of Themes in the Provincial District of
Auckland Butcher do solemnly and sincerely declare:-

1.— THAT I am the abovenamed Transferee. •    
2.—THAT at the time of the execution of the above Transfer I was not nor im I now in any way a disqualified.

person within the meaning of Section 74 of "The Native   •
Land Amendment Act 1913".

AND I MAKE this solemn declaration conscientiously beli eying the same to be true under and by vi rtue of; the