Volume 9 Part 26: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Volume 9 Part 26: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers: page 28  (438 pages)
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b. Ora !suer Wats oriaterest, describing such les+, estate.

• all thebestate and interests iu the said piece of laud

F the said Ani Jane Edwards and the Beneficiaries

have hereunto subscribed their'names this Fourteenth   day of January

One thousand nine hundred an

the said Ani Jane Edwards'

presence this   „,iPg.   day of

-'011azzar2-" 1914 AND I do hereby certify that the said Ani Jane Edwards nn

Ali-v-y Ann Li pony   had andiza

41.e.vo's knowledge of the English language sufficient to enable .1-1"to understand

< •   Areelzei

and that tia4,36 did understand the effect

of the above Transfer.