Volume 8 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Moehau District: page 21  (152 pages)
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Moehau District: Harataunga

At about this time Mackay seems to have been instructed to find out the views of the Auckland Provincial Superintendent, as he reported that same month that

in accordance with your request, I have communicated with His Honour the Superintendent of Auckland on the subject, and he is willing for the purchase to be made for any sum not exceeding £5000, provided that all the flat land, excepting the portion absolutely required for Native residence and cultivation, be purchased at the same time and included with the remainder of the block for that price.17

This was confirmed by the Superintendent18. Mackay was instructed to proceed, but there is no record of any further action.

In January 1878 James Preece, the Crown's land purchase officer who had succeeded Mackay, enquired about the price authorised for the purchase of Harataunga19. On being told, he replied that

I cannot say whether the extra imprest will be enough until I see the natives. I will get the block for as little as I can, and I think the amount of imprest now authorised by you ought to be enough, but if Mr Mackay has promised the natives .£5000 it will be difficult matter for me to close for less. I note by the plan that most of the flat land is part of a native reserve, and 550 acres of it leased to Smart. I will wire to Kemp [Civil Commissioner Auckland] to see if the lease is registered, as the surveyor tells me he thinks it is abandoned.20

He was also sent some papers about Mackay's purchase activities, and found that

Of the £196 charged against the block, £135 has been paid to Pita Te Hangi and Wikitoria Rangipiki, neither of whom have an interest in the land. That money cannot therefore be chargeable against the block, but I may get it placed by them on some other.21

Mackay was asked to explain, and replied that

Harataunga or Kennedys Bay contains three blocks. One of these is owned by the Ngatiporou and is surveyed and passed the Court—that is the block alluded to by Mr Preece. The second block belongs to the Ngatimaru. The third block belongs to Pita Te Hangi and Wikitoria Rangipiki, and is separate and distinct from the Ngatiporou claim which is confined solely to the block Mr Preece alludes to. If Mr Preece will leave the money paid to Ngatiporou on their part, and that on Pita Te Hangi's on it, he will have no difficulty.22

However, Preece reported that month that a purchase was not possible.

Ngati Porou have arrived [at Coromandel]. Their case comes off tomorrow. They do not at present appear inclined to sell. There never has been any agreement on their part to sell. They say Mr Mackay offered them £5000 but they did not agree. They will however consider the question of sale when the land is subdivided. I do not think the Court can deal with the subdivision, for of the 42 persons named in the certificate, 14 are absent and 3 are dead. Nor do I think it would be wise to buy until the Court apportions the interests. There being so many

17 J Mackay, Wellington, to Minister of Public Works, 23 July 1872. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.1–2.

18 Provincial Superintendent Auckland to Colonial Secretary, 26 July 1872. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.3.

19 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Coromandel to Under Secretary Native Department, 4 January 1878. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.7.

20 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Coromandel to Native Minister, 9 January 1878. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.8–9.

21 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Coromandel to Accountant Native Department, 11 January 1878. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.10–12.

22 J Mackay to Under Secretary Native Department, 16 January 1878, on Telegram Land Purchase Officer Coromandel to Accountant Native Department, 11 January 1878. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.10–12.