Volume 8 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Moehau District: page 19  (152 pages)
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Moehau District: Harataunga

The Court then sat at Coromandel in June 1872 to consider this block. Ropata Wahawaha and Ropata Ngatai of Ngati Porou stated that Paora Te Putu of Ngati Tamatera had gifted the block to Ngati Porou in 1852, to act as an anchorage and stopping over place for vessels travelling from the East Coast to Auckland. This arrangement was confirmed at a meeting between Paora Te Putu and Ngati Porou in 1854. The case was adjourned.4

In June 1872 James Mackay, the Crown land purchase agent, reported that

During this month I attended the Native Land Court at Coromandel and succeeded in securing a title for Major Ropata Wahawaha and Te Itanga-a-Mate hapu of Ngatiporou for the Kennedy

Bay block ...5

On 8 August 1872 the adjourned hearing resumed at Shortland. 10 names were handed in to go on the title, together with 36 names to be registered under Section 17 Native Lands Act 1867. A further 5 names were added to the Section 17 list at the hearing, making 41 in all.6

The certificate of title excepted Harataunga 3 and Te Tanihu Blocks.


Harataunga was partitioned in February 1878.7 The Court divided the block in two, along the Harataunga Stream,8 with Harataunga West (4339 acres) awarded to Ropata Wahawaha's party, and Harataunga East (4552 acres) awarded to the Itanga-a-Mate hapu.

Harataunga West was then partitioned into 7 subdivisions, as follows:

Harataunga West 1 93 acres   4 owners

Harataunga West 2   224 acres 7 owners

Harataunga West 3   980 acres 8 owners

Harataunga West 4   552 acres   5 owners

Harataunga West 5   642 acres 4 owners

Harataunga West 6   1014 acres 3 owners

Harataunga West 7   834 acres   11 owners.

No subdivision of Harataunga East was made, because the owners were not able to agree among themselves.9

These subdivisions were not surveyed until 189210

Survey Liens

In July 1895 survey charging orders were made as follows:

Harataunga West 1 £13–10–0d Harataunga West 2   £28

4   Coromandel Minute Book 2 pages 380–395,397 and 400–401.

5 J Mackay, Auckland, to Minister of Public Works, 22 June 1872. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1881/246. Supporting Papers #B36.1–10.

6 Hauraki Minute Book 6 pages 411–414. Orders of Court, 8 August 1872. Maori Land Court Block Orders file C319. Supporting Papers #K16.1–3.

7   Coromandel Minute Book 3 pages 79–105 and 110–117.

8   Coromandel Minute Book 3 page 105. Supporting Papers #J3.11.

9 Registrar Native Land Court Auckland to Chief Judge Native Land Court, 4 January 1878. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.4–6.

10 Hamilton Maori Land plan 6385–6391. Supporting Papers #N209.