Volume 8 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Moehau District: page 18  (152 pages)
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CREATED 8 August 1872

Hauraki Minute Book 6 pages 411-414

AREA   8891 acres

PLAN   Hamilton Maori Land plan 2525

Cession of Gold Mining Rights to the Crown

In May 1868 a large area at Kennedys Bay was ceded to the Crown for goldmining purposes. This cession was made by Ngati Porou, but was before the boundaries of their Harataunga block had been defined by the Native Land Court. The agreement specified that two areas being leased by Smart and Hogg were not included in the cession.

EW Puckey, the Native Agent for Thames and Coromandel wrote a report in July 188o, at the time he ceased working for the Crown, in which he summarised the work he had done during the 1870's in distributing goldmining revenue to the owners of Harataunga.

No payment of Miners Rights fees was made by Mr Mackay to the owners, some of whom appointed Mr CO Davis their attorney. Repeated applications were made to me to pay the monies in the Deposit Account to the credit of that block over to their attorney, but as I was not satisfied that all the owners concurred in the appointment of Mr Davis, I refused. In December 1870, there being some judgements in the District Court Auckland against some of the presumed owners, Ropata Ngatai and others, I went to Kennedy Bay to arrange for a payment to relieve them. A discussion took place which lasted from zpm till daylight next morning, the natives insisting on the payment of the whole sum, whilst I refused to pay more than one half; they telling me they represented all the owners whilst I believed from their eagerness to get the money without waiting for me to hear from Waiapu [on the East Coast] that there were other owners. I told them they should have one half of the money or none at all, they then agreed to my terms but not without much grumbling and voluble talk. The balance was therefore reserved till Major Ropata Wahawaha reached Auckland accompanied by Ropata Ngatai. I went to Auckland and paid it to him. I told the Major all that had occurred and had the satisfaction of feeling that I had acted judiciously. Other payments have at intervals been made since to Major Ropata and Rev Ranura Kawhia who substantiated their claims to the whole of the known auriferous portions of the block in the Native Land Court at Coromandel in February 1878, since which time one payment has been made. The Miners Rights and other fees are payable annually on July 23rd.1

Investigation of Title

In June 1868 an application for the investigation of Harataunga block came before the Native Land Court. The claim was dismissed because there was no survey plan.2 However orders were made at this time for Harataunga 2, 3 and 4 blocks (see separate sections of this evidence).

Harataunga block was surveyed by John Gwynneth in November 1871.3

1 Native Agent Thames to Under Secretary Native Department, 31 July 1880. Item 6 of Evidence to Inquiry by Native Land Court pursuant to Section 22 Native Purposes Act 1935. Maori Affairs Head Office Special File 62. Supporting Papers #C13.1-13.

2 Hauraki Minute Book z page 7.

3 Hamilton Maori Land plan 2525. Supporting Papers #N44.