Volume 8 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Moehau District: page 62  (152 pages)
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CREATED   13 September 1878

Hauraki Minute Book II pages 379 and 386

AREA   10 acres

PLAN   Hamilton Maori Land plans 2982 and 4625-6

SOLD TO CROWN 16 December 1879

This block was also known as the Tohetea 2 Block. There were two owners, Tamati Waka Te Puhi and Rehara Kapene, both of Te Uringahu hapu of Ngati Maru.

It was re-surveyed in June 1879.1 Sale to the Crown

In December 1879, shortly after the purchase of the adjoining Moehau 1l had been completed, Wilkinson asked for authority to purchase Moehau stating that "I can get it for three pounds ten shillings" (i.e. 7/- an acre).2 The Native Minister gave his approval.3

The purchase was recorded in a deed,4 which Wilkinson forwarded to Wellington in February 1880.5 The Trust Commissioner certified the purchase in April i880.

When the deed was sent to the Native Land Court so that the transfer to the Crown could be endorsed on the Certificate of Title, it was returned because it did not have a Maori translation of the deed attached to it, as "required by Section 85 Native Land Act 1873." 6 Wilkinson had to add a translation to the deed!

The Crown's purchase of Moehau g was notified in March 1880.8

1 Hamilton Maori Land plan 4625-6. Supporting Papers #N7i.

2 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Grahamstown to Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department, ro December 1879. Maori Affairs Head Office file 1907/507. Supporting Papers #c7.27-29.

3 Telegram Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department to Land Purchase Officer Grahamstown, 12 December 1879. Maori Affairs Head Office file 1907/507. Supporting Papers #C7.30.

4 Auckland Deed 1113. Supporting Papers #A1o7.

5 Land Purchase Officer Thames to Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department, 23 February 1880. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1880/632. Supporting Papers #B29.r.

6 Chief Clerk Native Land Court Auckland to Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department, 24 July 1880. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1880/632. Supporting Papers #B29.2-3.

7 Land Purchase Officer Thames to Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department, ro September 1880. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1880/632. Supporting Papers #B29.4.

8 New Zealand Gazette 1880 pages 452-456. Supporting Papers #vv13.1-3.