Volume 8 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Moehau District: page 51  (152 pages)
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Moehau District: Moehau 1

Private Purchase of Moehau 1 West

Moehau 1 West, found to be 2,719 acres on survey,7 was sold to the Kauri Timber Company, the purchase being endorsed by the Native Land Court in April 1898.8

Offer of Moehau 1 East to the Crown

Shortly after the purchase of Moehau 1 West to the Kauri Timber Company, an offer was apparently made to sell Moehau 1 East to the Crown. However just what this offer was is not

known. The matter came to light when Gilbert Mair, the Crown's land purchase officer at Thames, telegraphed in September 1898 that

Re Moehau No 1 or Waikawau, which has lately been divided between Kauri Timber Company and about 14 non-sellers. Natives wrote you some time ago affirming sell Crown their 2250 acres, which comprises all the deep water frontage. They are all here now asking for a reply. It is a desirable block to acquire. Am informed there are no encumbrances.9

The Chief Land Purchase Officer noted that "I have no record of the offer, but you can decline".10 Mair then responded that

Natives informed accordingly. I think it is a pity this block cannot be purchased. Some time ago the Hon Mr Cadman spoke to me at Paeroa about this land, and said he considered both this and the land on the opposite (the south) side of Waikawau should be acquired.11

Private Purchases of Moehau 1 East

Moehau 1 East 1 was purchased by Thomas Edward Montgomery in February 1913 for £161–10–0d.12

Moehau 1 East 2A and 2B were purchased by Ernest Deeble in June 1913 (for £596–18–10d) and June 1916 (for £567) respectively.13

The urupa of 1 acre (Moehau 1 East 2C) remains Maori Land.

7 Hamilton Maori Land plan 7452. Supporting Papers #N240.

The reduced area was due in part to a deduction for road.

8 Hauraki Minute Book 47 pages 101 and 122.

9 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Thames to Chief Land Purchase officer, 9 September 1898. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1898/147. Supporting Papers #B124.1.

10 Chief Land Purchase Officer to Land Purchase Officer Thames, 9 September 1898, on cover sheet to file NLP 1898/147. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1898/147. Supporting Papers #B124.2–5.

11 Land Purchase Officer Thames to Chief Land Purchase Officer, 18 October 1898, on cover sheet to file NLP 1898/147. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1898/147. Supporting Papers #B124/2–5.

12 Hamilton Land Registry Transfer 73814. Supporting Papers #Q89.

13 Moehau 1 East 2A: Hamilton Land Registry Transfer 96881. Supporting Papers #Q119.

Moehau 1 East 2B: Hamilton Land Registry Transfer 94326. Supporting Papers #Q116.