Volume 8 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Moehau District: page 46  (152 pages)
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Intended Crown Purchase

After the Court sitting the Native Minister apparently was advised that the lands retained in Maori ownership were "the choice lands the block contains". They had not been made inalienable, and "if they pass into private hands, it will be an injustice to the district".33

The Minister authorised their purchase, and Wilkinson was told that

there is no objection to you purchasing them for the Government if it can be done for a fair price.34

Wilkinson replied that

Mr Puckey and myself are of opinion that some of the reserves may be bought except in cases where the owners have not other land. Will you give me a limit in price.35

Wilkinson also suggested that notice be issued in the Gazette that the Crown was negotiating for the purchase of the reserves, thereby shutting out competing purchasers.36 But apparently the notice issued in May 1878 covering the whole of the Moehau block still protected the Crown's position.

Wilkinson tried again in August 1879 and November 1879 to have the Crown interest in purchasing the Moehau reserves notified.37 On the first occasion he was told to

Purchase as many of the Moehau reserve pieces as you can, closing with them at once if possible.38

But on the second occasion the Native Minister decided, in December 1879, that

These purchases need not be proceeded with, except when the Government are committed to the purchase.39

At this time the purchase of three of the reserve blocks, Moehau 1G, 1L and 3, came into this latter category, while the purchase of Moehau 11 had already been completed. Wilkinson was told to restrict his purchasing to the three which were under negotiation.4° In December 1879, when he advised that the owners were willing to sell, he was authorised to purchase Moehau 1J as well.41

33 Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department to Native Minister, 30 January 1879. Maori Affairs Head Office file 1907/507. This memorandum was not located during this research.

34 Telegram Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department to Land Purchase Officer Grahamstown, 31 January 1879. Maori Affairs Head Office file 1907/507. Supporting Papers #C7.12.

35 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Grahamstown to Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department, February 1879. Maori Affairs Head Office file 1907/507. Supporting Papers #C7.13.

36 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Grahamstown to Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department, 6 March 1879. Maori Affairs Head Office file 1907/507. Supporting Papers #C7.14.

37 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Grahamstown to Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department,

18 August 1879 and 28 November 1879. Maori Affairs Head Office file 1907/507. Supporting Papers #C7.15–16 and 18–19.

38 Telegram Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department to Land Purchase Officer Thames, 28 August 1879. Maori Affairs Head Office file 1907/507. Supporting Papers #C7.17.

39 File note by Native Minister, 2 December 1879, on Telegram Land Purchase Officer Grahamstown to Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department, 28 November 1879. Maori Affairs Head Office file 1907/507. Supporting Papers #C7.18–19.

40 Telegram Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department to Land Purchase Officer Coromandel, 2 December 1879. Maori Affairs Head Office file 1907/507. Supporting Papers #C7.2.0.

40 See separate section of this evidence.