Volume 8 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Moehau District: page 45  (152 pages)
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Moehau District: Moehau

Five days after the sitting was adjourned, on 11 September 1878, Mackay asked the Court to make a series of orders for a number of subdivisions of the Moehau block. Moehau r was to be awarded to Ngati Whanaunga. This was the portion known as Waikawau over which there was no dispute. In addition Moehau 1B and IC (totalling 2229 acres) were to be awarded to the Crown, Moehau ID to Hori Ngakapa Whanaunga solely, and Moehau 1E to Meha Te Moananui and 7 others. The Court agreed.26

On 13 September 1878 the Court agreed to adjourn further consideration of the Moehau z and Moehau 4 blocks to future hearings.27 Mackay then asked for Moehau IP and Moehau (totalling 18,629 acres) to be awarded to the Crown, and for orders to be made for 9 subdivisions of Moehau 1, to be known as Moehau 1G to io. Moehau 3 was to be subdivided into 8 portions,to be known as Moehau 3 and 3A to 3G. Of these Moehau 3C (95 acres) was to be awarded to the Crown. There were no objections and the Court ordered accordingly.28

The net effect of the Court's orders was that, in terms of the acreages understood at the time (i.e. before the reserves had been surveyed), the Moehau Block (i.e. Moehau

and Moehau 3) of 36,293 acres had been divided up, with the Crown awarded 20,953 acres, and the Maori owners awarded 19 reserves totalling 15,340 acres.

Up to January 1879, no instructions had been issued for survey of the reserves. The Native Minister then agreed to authorise the surveys.29

Following survey.30 the Crown's acquisition of Moehau IC (992 acres) and IP (19,500 acres) was notified in 1879,31 while the acquisition of Moehau 1A (446 acres), TR

(802 acres), IF (290 acres) and 3C (95 acres) was notified in 1880.32 This is a total of 22,125 acres.

Subsequent investigation of title to Moehau 2 and Moehau 4 is covered in a separate part of this evidence.

26 Hauraki Minute Book 11 pages 353-356. Supporting Papers #J17.95.98. Auckland Deed 1075. Supporting Papers #A1o2.

27 Hauraki Minute Book u pages 378 and 379a. Supporting Papers #47.115 and 117.

28 Hauraki Minute Book n pages 379 and 379a. Supporting Papers #J17.116 and 117.

29 Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department to Native Minister, 21 January 1879, and Native Minister to Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department, 22 January 1879, on Telegram Under Secretary Native Land Purchase Department to Chief Surveyor Auckland, 20 January 1879. Maori Affairs Head Office file 1907/507. Supporting Papers #c7.ro and n.

30 Hamilton Maori Land plan 2982. Supporting Papers #1■1100.

31 New Zealand Gazette 1879 page 1023. Supporting Papers #wr2.15.

32 New Zealand Gazette 1880 pages 452-456. Supporting Papers #w13.1-5.