Volume 8 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Moehau District: page 44  (152 pages)
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against the goldfields, but against Moehau. Tinipoaka and others were there and they made no objection. N' Koi objected to this because they had no claim on Moehau....18

I heard of a meeting at Ohinemuri in which the Moehau block was apportioned off to several hapus. Meha would not suffer us to go to that meeting. He wanted to give the whole of it to the Government, as the Waikawau block had been given up. He did this because he wished all the Government advances to be charged against the Moehau block and not against Ohinemuri. When we first commenced to hold meetings for the settlement of this case during the present sitting of the Court, Waka only claimed to have three tapus excluded. We agreed to this and also to his receiving money on account of it as well. He subsequent[ly] made a claim over the Waiaro block, then we applied to have it brought before the Court.19

Hamiora Mangakahia claimed various portions of the block from the ancestors Te Rakau, Tutapu and Rakawanake.

After one day of hearings, the case was adjourned, when James Mackay told the Court that he was in hopes to settle it without taking up the time of the Court.20

Just what went on outside the Court in not clear. One aspect of the negotiations at this time was raised again in 1885. Tamati Waka Te Puhi told a Native Meeting that

Another matter is in connection with the final payment on the Moehau gold field block. The Government has some money that he ought to have.21

George Wilkinson, the land purchase officer in Thames, was asked to investigate this statement. He interviewed Tamati Waka Te Puhi, and recorded him saying that

Regarding my claim to the Moehau block, when Mr Mackay and you were buying the block for Government, Mr Mackay told me that I should have a further payment on that block if I agreed to sell (sign the deed). It is true I was given a reserve all to myself on the top of Moehau of 150 acres, but I was also to get a further money payment of £100. I asked Mr Mackay once for the money when you and Mr Puckey and Mr Grace were in the office, but he did not give it to me then. He said my demand was right. When we got outside he said he would settle it with me.22

Wilkinson reported on Tamati Waka's claim that

I cannot substantiate Tamati Waka's statement. I assisted Mr Mackay in the Moehau purchase, and I know that Tamati Waka gave us a great deal of trouble and caused considerable delay, because he wanted more than any of the others were getting; and it was only after an area of 150 acres at the summit of Moehau was given to him as a special reserve for himself alone, that he signed the Government deed. I do not know, neither did I ever hear, of any money payment having been promised to him over and above what he had already received.23

On 12 September 1878 Tamati Waka Te Puhi had been among those signing a receipt for £700, being full and final payment for the interests of Te Uringahu in the Moehau block "excepting reserves as agreed upon and marked on plan".24 On this basis Tamati Waka Te Puhi was told in early 1886 that there were no further monies due to him.25

18 Hauraki Minute Book 11 page 317. Supporting Papers #J17.82.

19 Hauraki Minute Book 11 page 319. Supporting Papers #J17.84.

20 Hauraki Minute Book 11 page 325. Supporting Papers #J17.89.

21 Notes of Native Meetings. AJHR 1885, G-1, page 37. Supporting Papers #U18.8.

22 Notes of meeting, 29 May 1885. Maori Affairs Head Office 1907/507. Supporting Papers #C7.53.

23 Native Agent Alexandra to Under Secretary Native Department, October 1885. Maori Affairs Head Office 1907/507. Supporting Papers #C7.54.

24 Payment Voucher 25949, 12 September 1878. Maori Affairs Head Office file 1907/507. Supporting Papers #C7.55.

25 Under Secretary Native Department to Tamati Waka Te Puhi, 26 January 1886, referred to on cover sheet to file NLP 1885/298. Maori Affairs Head Office file 1907/507. Supporting Papers #C7.56.