Volume 8 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Moehau District: page 15  (152 pages)
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CREATED 29 August 1878

Hauraki Minute Book n pages 237-247, 249-253, 257, and 272-273

AREA   1,761 acres

PLAN   Hamilton Maori Land plan 2171

This land appears to have been swampland from which kauri gum was dug. It lies on either side of the Ahirau River.

Prior to title being investigated a European had run cattle on the Ahirau block, paying Ngati Whanaunga £m for the privilege.1

Investigation of Title

Ahirau block was surveyed by George Wiltshire in 1871.2 The plan was approved in April 1871,

at which time the block was being referred to as Otautu 3 block. The block came before the Court in June 1871, when title to Otautu was being investigated. It was discussed extensively at this time.

Ngati Tam atera's surveyor, G Wiltshire, explained that

I conducted the survey. Mr Jordan went down to Cabbage Bay and took down the names of some of the boundaries. Mr Jordan told me ... Mr Davis [conductor for Ngati Tamatera] was with him. The plan was made at Grahamstown in Mr Jordan's office. I plotted the plan and Mr Jordan put the names on the map. The names were put on independently of the natives. The plan was not to my knowledge submitted either to ... Mr Davis or to the natives to ascertain the correctness of the names. I saw two native houses near the line where I commenced to make the survey. I did not know that a name that should [have been] there has been misplaced to another place until today. No names were pointed out to me on the ground. ... I plotted the plan and left the writing to Mr Jordan. I cannot certify as to the correctness of the names.3

He added that his charges for the survey totalled £86-15-od.4

Another surveyor, Edward Tregear, also reported on the block.'

When no further progress was made on the survey, the Court adjourned the case.6

In April 1878 Hon Ngakapa Whanaunga of Ngati Whanaunga applied to the Court to have the title to Ahirau block investigated.' At this stage the block he was applying for extended to

the sea coast. The Native Minister also applied to have title investigated and the relative interest of the Crown in the block determined.'

1 Hauraki Minute Book n page 245. Supporting Papers C17.59.

2 Hamilton Maori Land plan 2,171. Supporting Papers #N33.

3 Coromandel Minute Book z pages 97-98. Supporting Papers C2=-23.

4   Coromandel Minute Book 2 page 103. Supporting Papers #J2.2.8.

5   Coromandel Minute Book z pages 212-213. Supporting Papers #Jz.128-129.

6   Coromandel Minute Book z page 397. Supporting Papers #J2.145.

7 Application for Investigation of Title, 6 April 1878. Maori Land Court Hamilton Block Orders file cig. Supporting Papers #1(7.1.

8 Native Minister to Chief Judge Native Land Court, 8 April 1878 (z letters). Maori Land Court Hamilton Block Orders file C151. Supporting Papers #K7.2-3.