Volume 8 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Moehau District: page 38  (152 pages)
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Court before the transfer deed had been signed. At the time of signing Arama Karaka consented to the money he received as Wikitoria's supposed successor being deposited with Judge Mair of the Native Land Court pending the determination of the successor by the Court. However Judge Mair declined to accept the money, as he held no account into which to pay it. On being told this, the Trust Commissioner directed that the purchaser (Stevens) was to hold the money until succession had been decided, and only when the money had been handed over to the successor as determined by the Court would he sign a certificate approving the sale.7 The Trust Commissioner approved the sale in July 1883.

Matamataharakeke Reserve

The purchase by Stevens included all of Matamataharakeke except for a 300 acre reserve on the Kennedy Bay coast. This reserve was leased by the three Maori owners to Francis Worral Stevens and Walther Vere Stevens for 21 years from January 1882, at an annual rental of £10.8 This lease was confirmed by the Native Land Court in July 1899.9 The Court had earlier, in March 1899, declared the relative interests of the three owners in the reserve block.10

When the lease expired, a fresh lease, for 14 years from 27 January 1903, was entered into between Ngapera Te Akau and Wikitoria Rangipiki, and the Kauri Timber Company Limited.11 This lease allowed the company access over the reserve to go to and from its timber operations on the Matamataharakeke Block, provided that it did not disturb the two owners residing on the reserve, or any cultivations or wahi tapu sites.

The reserve was in December 1908 partitioned in two, plus a 1 acre wahi tapu.12 The larger subdivision of 223 acres 3 roods 10.1 perches was sold to AJ Goudie (the then lessee) in August 1962, while the smaller partition of 71 acres 2 roods 2 perches remains Maori Land subject to a 20 year lease to the Crown from 1 January 1980. The wahi tapu remains Maori Land.

7 Hamilton Land Registry Transfer 4968. Supporting Papers #Q39.

8 Hamilton Land Registry Lease 564. Supporting Papers #Q164.

9 Coromandel Minute Book 8 pages 312–313.

10 Coromandel Minute Book 6 pages 102–107.

11 Hamilton Land Registry Lease 1744. Supporting Papers #Q169.

12 Hauraki Minute Book 59 pages 167, 175 and 177.
