Volume 8 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Moehau District: page 34  (152 pages)
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CREATED: 24 June 1868

Hauraki Minute Book 2 pages 7–12

AREA:   546 acres

PLAN:   Hamilton Maori Land plan 975

Investigation of Title

The Court ordered that three names go on the title to the block. They were Raniera Kawhia, Ropata Ngatai and Hekiera Tuterangi, who were to hold the land in trust for themselves and all members of the hapus of Ngaitawera, Te Whanauairi, Ngatihoko, Ngatirau, Hangamate, Te Whanauarua, Te Aoweia and Te Whanauarakai, all of Ngati Porou iwi. There were no restrictions on alienability.


Harataunga 2 was apparently leased by Ropata Ngatai to J Smart. The lease seems to have been the reason for the separate identification of this block.

Determination of Beneficial Ownership

In September 1896 application was made to the Government to give the Native Land Court power to determine who was entitled to be regarded as an owner of the block.1 The Chief Judge agreed that it was proper that the Court hold an inquiry,2 so an Order in Council was issued.3

An Order of the Court determining ownership of Harataunga 2 was made in June 1899.4

Kaimaku Native Township

At some stage part of Harataunga 2 was brought under the Native Townships Act 1895. This matter has not been researched.

1 W Coleman, Barrister and Solicitor, Auckland, to Native Minister, 14 September 1896. Justice Head Office file 1899/1070. Supporting Papers #H1.1–7.

2 Chief Judge Native Land Court to Under Secretary for Justice, 5 October 1896, on cover sheet to file J 1896/1310. Justice Head Office file 1899/1070. Supporting Papers #H1.8.

3 New Zealand Gazette 1897 page 15. Supporting Papers #w30.1.

4 Coromandel Minute Book 8 pages 194–198.