Volume 8 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Moehau District: page 33  (152 pages)
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Moehau District: Harataunga

Purchase by Crown of Harataunga East nir

There were two owners of Harataunga East nil, which had an area of 197 acres 2 roods. The Crown purchased the interest of Reupene Rongo in October 1915, and the interest of Te Kapa Te Horua in August 1916.88 The purchase price of the block was £250.

In January 1919 the Government notified that it had purchased Harataunga East

Land for Kennedys Bay School

In November 192.6 Harataunga West 2B was partitioned into Harataunga West 2B1 of 2 acres 3 roods 36 perches, and the remainder of the block as Harataunga West 2B2.

The following month Raniera Wharetuatea sold Harataunga West Air to the Auckland Education Board for £6o for a school site." The transfer was confirmed by the WaikatoManiapoto District Maori Land Board in August 1927.

The Auckland Education Board in turn transferred the block to the Crown in December 1942 for the purpose of a native school reserve91.

Land Takings by the Crown

In 1935 the owners of Harataunga West 7B and 8B were notified of the intention to take part of the block for road.92 In 1936 28 acres 2 roods 12.1 perches of Harataunga 7B, and i rood 7.5 perches of Harataunga 8B, were taken for and proclaimed as road.93

88 Auckland    J

Deed 4559. Supporting Papers #A376.

89 New Zealand Gazette 1919 page 210. Supporting Papers #w51.2.

Hamilton Land Registry Transfer 22646. Supporting Papers #QT36.

91 Hamilton Land Registry Transfer 353941. Supporting Papers #Q147.

92 New Zealand Gazette 1935 page 3799. Supporting Papers #w66.3.

93 New

Ivew   Gazette 1936 pages 495 and 533. Supporting Papers #w67.1 and 2.