Volume 8 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Moehau District: page 23  (152 pages)
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Moehau District: Harataunga

Harataunga block by the Auckland Sawmill Co from Major Ropata and the Ngatiporou, and am of opinion that the sale is not likely to prejudice the interests of the mining community in this district.

It would be as well, however, to make the restrictions, I herein beg to suggest, to avoid any clashing of rights between the purchaser and any person acting under the Mining Regulations.

I think that portion of the block contained in the following boundaries should be excluded from the purchase, or reserved by the purchasers, for the use of the miners, viz, a right line drawn from the Waverly Gold mining company's claim to the junction of the Waikoromiko with the Harataunga, thence up the former creek, including its eastern watershed, to Pita's block.

This would not be asking any great concession from the Company, inasmuch as there is no great amount of kauri timber thereon, and out of what there is now standing a great number have been already secured and the natives paid for them in accordance with the Regulations. These are or should be marked and are still standing, and cut as required.

I believe it is chiefly from the north-western portion of the block that the Company looks to obtain their timber, and in this direction there neither is nor has been for some time any occupation for mining purposes.29

Notification prompted a solicitor for the Auckland Timber Company to propose in September 1878 that the Company buy the block and then hand the freehold title over to the

Government free of charge, in exchange for a timber lease at a peppercorn rental,30 but this offer was not taken up.

In October 1878 the land purchase officer was asked if there had been any change in circumstances since Preece's reports earlier that year. The reply was that

nothing has been done since Mr Preece's minute mentioned by you. To the best of my recollection, at a meeting with the Native Minister and owners, with Mr Mackay and Mr Preece present, it was concluded that the only claim the Government had on the block was for an amount of £30 paid to one Nepia Hurikara, which it was agreed should be refunded. There are other amounts appearing in the land purchase register as against Harataunga, but they are not in Harataunga proper which is through the Court, but were paid by Mr Mackay on other portions of the block not yet surveyed, and to individuals not interested in the block that is already through the Court. The Hon Mr Sheehan and Mr Mackay (if in Wellington) will remember what took place at the meeting I have referred to. It was held in Auckland about May last.31

In November 1878 Major Ropata asked that the notification of intended purchase be withdrawn,32 and this was endorsed by the Native Minister in January 1879.33 In February 1879 the Crown notified that it had relinquished negotiations for the purchase of Harataunga.34

Timber Leases

In 1880 application was made to the Trust Commissioner to certify timber leases to Johnson and Vickery of the Kuparukaitaha and Harataunga blocks. The leases were signed between

29 Mining Warden Coromandel, to Minister of Justice, 7 May 2878. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.20–21.

30 ET Dufaur, Auckland, to Government, 20 September 1878, referred to on cover sheet to file N&D 1878/3726. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP Supporting Papers #B128.22.


31 Telegram WH Grace, Grahamstown, to Accountant Native Department, 18 October 2878. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 2899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.23–24.

32 Meiha Ropata, Turanganui, to Accountant Native Department, 7 November 1878. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.25–2.6.

33 Native Minister to Under Secretary Native Department, 22 January 1879, referred to on cover sheet to file N&D 1879/307. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.27.

34 New Zealand Gazette 1879 page 295. Supporting Papers #W12.5.