Volume 8 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Moehau District: page 22  (152 pages)
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absent, besides there is so little now paid on the land that the matter is not now complicated, and would perhaps be were I to take a large sum in the absence of 17 out of 42 persons. The money now debited against the land is £196, but of that £141 has been paid to persons who have no interest in it. Of the balance, £30 was paid to one only out of the 42 owners, and £25 to a survey which latter amount the owners admit.23

Three days later Preece reported that

Harataunga subdivision case adjourned sine die, there being only a sketch plan of the proposed partition, see Section 33 of Act 1873. There were also only 24 out of 42 owners present. Ropata and party are very much put out at the delay, but I do not see that the Court could do otherwise, as the surveyor says it will take six weeks to have a plan ready, and there is no evidence that the absentees have had notice. Ropata desires a special Court to be held here on the 28 February, by which time the survey will be finished, and he undertakes to see that the notices are served personally on all the persons interested. Judge Symonds has telegraphed to the Chief Judge asking him to get notices prepared, which I hope will be done without delay, as Ngatiporou have decided to remain at Harataunga until the Court sits. In the meantime I think the question of the sale had better stand over.24

In late February 1878 Preece reported again.

Harataunga subdivision case over. The natives will sell the Goldfield portion, but not the flat fronting the harbour. Mackay's offer was 11/3d per acre for the whole block, which I think too much. Please instruct me the limit per acre I am to go for the hilly land including Goldfield. I cannot proceed further until I get a reply.25

He was told in reply that

Hon Native Minister considers that the amount formerly agreed on, equal to 11/3d per acre, a high rate for this land, but under the circumstances leave the price to your own judgement, with the limitation that the amount does not exceed a sum at the rate of £5000 for the whole area of the block. You will be good enough to make an effort to reduce this rate, especially as the flat land fronting the harbour has been taken out of the block and the area otherwise lessened.26

But Preece does not seem to have been able to make any progress with the purchase.

In March 1878 the advance of £25 made on account of the survey of Harataunga was refunded.27

This still left £30 owing on the block, this being a payment made to Nepia Hurikaro. In May 1878 the Crown notified that money had ben advanced and the subdivisions of Harataunga were under negotiation by the Government.28

In May 1878 the Mining Warden at Coromandel wrote to John Sheehan, the Minister of Justice.

I have the honour, in pursuance of your instructions, personally and by telegram of the 24th [April], to inform you that I have made inquiries respecting the purchase of the timber on the

23 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Thames to Under Secretary Native Department, 15 January 1878. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.13–14.

24 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Coromandel to Under Secretary Native Department, 18 January 1878. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.15–16.

25 Telegram Land Purchase Officer Coromandel to Under Secretary Native Department, 25 February 1878. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.17.

26 Telegram Accountant Native Department to Land Purchase Officer Coromandel, 25 February 1878. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 2899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.18.

27 Land Purchase Officer Coromandel to Under Secretary Native Department, 13 March 1878. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1899/48. Supporting Papers #B128.19.

28 New Zealand Gazette 1878 pages 600–608, at page 604. Supporting Papers #w11.2–9.