Volume 9 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Part 1: page 55  (542 pages)
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ri, ti...insditlie■i.ielOtCdiy of roanary One.tharsatd-eight ho deed Rea . sly

' Gm BOhNINIS 11.701d111 To Naomi If plum Noah., nod. To Whalkoiti, 'alum Hikers. Wm. Itmestope, Main PorrU to Patotabee, Te fthkitakl, Hot. to H.1.14 : Mom to Hnisokurm Paean le Whammy Tama Patel, To Atop Pasta, To Mee. 'IP•sbi Na

I. , Anngdocto Pao*s. He* ro hasestaili, Pana= Po Pida i, aMRinolatta.. noltipato Hue., Mra nd% Hypo' Ratak" Amniaan Neent. Mi kan. t. Monk*, Lomeli. Paha. mod HIM to Buts ell of the Tribe of Horatio. rending is the

  • Diarim .1 Hama' provinve of A eekland colony of Now Zeeland ilmrainaner tuned

I lb* mid Tomfora of th. am pert sma Her Majoirty Queen Victoria of the otha pan IlVitaeroali that for toed is comoidowaten of the sum of Fin hundred sad any fire Impends ei paid by Her mid Ifsjenty Qom. Viworia to tho said Soudan before the

I   knot No neaps whereof is booby acknowledged They !M and Voodoo.
De owl Dodo sad Non of doom Doh hereby convoy .ed wore Veto Her mid Majesty Memo Irkamis ha memmar. mod *alma All them pion or parcel of land noisy/tine ":1417a. mammal tw. theamod thaw hnibed md *wady dr sere. moos or In.

a i lb. Maid of Hauraki is the premien sod ado., aforoasid and WWI or Inane astglIUMAli amber two the .asst boundaries of *bah wad Men or weal of WWI mil Oa owned yeamonments of the Dot edary lion than( en partieularly shown .ad NI IMMIM Waal. of the Moos or pant of Ind hereby-eonvoyed drawn horn.

'Xrvita all the Welsweamenewt* manna and apparatuses, thereto belonging '1 Maas tbeemo ramify; And MI OAST rights which the mid Vend a soy of Ham W. *rall) Ian Mfoor net or tin mid pan er_pareel of lend To hold the Ian , 1 ymissi Nom Her .d Naiad, teett Victoria her earcemore sod .sip. for eves In Memo wham! dm mi. pane. vs heweto wybecribod their imam

i.• . ..,   Ilarowini Tempi.. ' ' Pannihiel Manion x ler

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. - ... •- . , ....,   ,-,:lwooi to ,,does-   .. -.''   Hothipen Nun.   ,   '

;•:-. t. . ' - t...,,•:.,. Warms Bikini   ! ,' • ∎ Ifitin10 Hooch. I her mark

•I ':,:k.   Intl.Anti to Paeans a • Neopuhore Patalm

   , .   Ape ahen. Petal

"..."'   '' ' ` "' ' \ 1 • To Narirstel . hat mai. ; .. hams wfai.   ,

.': -F • ; .:.:''.1;:;'.:f , Note le Hapooki,   • •   • • •   Ham tole Pelmet

   ;,1 ' • - f.y.',':. , Hon 15. Holnahote, s' lb Mot. to Bon. km mak.   '

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...ii ...,•,!-, A, ..} thimoms T. Mummy. hio   mak.   .

,, ; ;   ,. ; . J • Ea& . ::••   ,.. • ,,   Lagihoro Neal ther mark.Iarliphoto. '.y. ;..., • '.- . • ..;.• , Is wee   tad.   ..   : as me.Penal.
   Penal..::.. • .•7 e"!;' Han Rawoftitl a her =wk.    : .•    .   .

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  •      Pomolde Wlabahno Hal& ' .   - -.

*f 1 v1..7   Hats Idnrioam Kamilla Nenotono • '   .• ' - • ' • -   '   '

..i.'    . NolsiboApashmr, Poker Haan Nosed .   -• ' ,..- •   ..' ,   .   . •

  • ..'. i r Itsemabla rebut adlist& To Zan 1. • •.   . • .: • : r ' .    .


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,...,.- " *I. W. & °Midis& Gamed Interproter, ahorthoOd. • . ' • ' . . IL;Illansd by tie :aid Mama Insatetspo:D. '   ., . ; .'.    ' . ' • • •

  • .   maim Ihrimi. Nkomo to Abeam m oh* ' : • ' ''' . .. ' .•-

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-.• . : :.: • . 1. . . 2. W.. X 011ftyl.leanyeit Itimpteta, Bhortked.   . . - • '.-   •
",:, ,1::!' •.'. Illmeorsol Hyman ..monthlo LO, Fan, (hohnontawn. • , —

,.',. press y tie_ mist vSti... P.m,. is as • . • .:   .

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, . r,.. . & W. & Dallaiog,liansedlin    , blaramod.   . • . •   I

(4....*01 ... 411,11111 Mackay. Jr„,Ined Aleut, BmNwd ..   .•   , • . -   .

&hilt.' Tams Ohio" of JuldoW, fa thi preform of Naiad. in tio colony of: I Nsi 9 ribs,. 04117 sotherits4 Notite Ishapream de lenby maimed, and sintaraly! ,...1.. nit H ea pisMi.o-44 Nisi iiimmil Bleterg a.naimi, of ahortlnd, in .U1 :sit pietism. fir Aohnty,- a doily Authorised Nati.* Int, * mats adult, and did.rpalain Hemel To alumni Nybd. Ngehebs Hmeiri T. Wh.ksiti Mann Eaton Ham To HaykrTmombi Nita To Ana Paola Efekipeo. Her. Nespahoro PAWS Apern lama Wee Ham Arad mad Amain. Taboo, la dm witlismritten dad meM6oed

sad deserisoldbly el go erall tonal. NW Mae in ay preeenta Ond in tar panne* of lm told Jobs Mama Diehard OuildMg.

' - & Thsn dm signatures Hinewinf TO Tomei Nyhorle tigaiske Pail To W.haiti •

"Win Mori Rol V.. H.   Nneati Ponta To Arno P.eted Hakim.. Hors
NemaNn Panak1Apanharn. Waltham, Hgatal sad Rana Team him to the mid

Deed enbesibal sat 41 Hsi pprroeper Ludwig.g of the uid partial to tha mid Ned bamodiatoly lanotabefen ton*ood red .cemented..... •

IL   .   •   .

' NMI ww.prennt with thoudd lois WilliMe naiad Handing, mod did ..o Naas Paoli Do Punka To Raltinal Rom To Huiraukara Parma. Te Whareame. Hen ParoMMW PanuikieWhakshal Miriam Nodes and Maim To Kura, mentimed tad dmonlood im A. within-mitt. Dail,doly ego and need. tar nee by .dhibitieg

thole nominate web or mousetherete. •   •   •    .

•'' 41. Those tbanown or mann ad oppositon the nopective tame. of the mid Maio.

Panki T. Palau Tio Nhirooki How To Hainaintra Pennon To Vilmorsnaga HasPanumniti PmmoliaiThashas Miasma liamihu sad Rata Ts Ken wen Nadu by.

thee in my prawn* sod in the presence of the said Joho William Rinsed 0 eliding.

. S. 114. dr mans er Mmostaren J. W. Promo end I. W. It Guiding an of the

Lo landweirday   elm gni Joh. Willson Itiobard Gilding sod of am the

wmt...   ..4 A. no immediately berme the emaciate' of the aid deed by the ..id amanita' Natives or mann before motioned being poetic. to rho mid deed I did feithfolly

Inbta tho alma to flown sod each of *on into lb. hisori lanewsto, yawl that my tavola'''. us meet, red on undercoat& by MI of them. dad I make this *Wows betas*a ocenimotionly believime the num to he Mon, ad by virtue of "The Native aged. Art, DPW 'The Notice loads Act,1807," "Tim amino Lando Ant Amendment