Volume 9 Part 1: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Part 1: page 23  (542 pages)
Chapter Overview
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tt bill Bra written on this 2,, ,,,44,12.   day of ...4.-   -..% ff... -..- ,,. , .

our Lord 1S   is a full and final sale conveyance and surrender by us the Chiefs arid' ' -;:, ..   `j l';it'''' '..
14-4:4:14:"•('": 'AiA It a iili4AX iAjs 4-11-tr..whose names are hereunto subscribed - 7 • V "•■ -• -'` r • , . behalf of ourselves our relatives and descendants we have by sigma' g this Deed unde;thii.:-;r:' L7.4. :::

day parted with and for ever transferred unto Victoria Queen of England Her .Heirs-ticii.,,. ,,   , . •,. .4...Z...:'.-

who may succeed Her and Her and Their Assigns for ever in consideration of the Sum of * !„, i, ,   $:,t;;;;: ..1".

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d   / ,000,...0/..Z$ –...., Pounds (L tdir   ) to us paid bpi    „ , 4.4f- 0".:_,:.;

on behalf of the Queen Viloria (and we hereby,fackw . -k A- . '

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  •                                                        -.    . ,11., • t'A' re ceipt of the said monies) all that piece of our Land situated at •Ørket..7s94.A.irtc.a.__.j2 • . 4 • .. • ,,   ,

and named 421V4-)L,4:0- et.i•toi iiI•34.-hictize-_, 4%9 (k.. the boundaries *hereof are set forth, '" t)!4...-,.4v.,"; • " this Deed and a plan of which Land is annexed thereto with its trees minerals waters rivixisT;,9akes: - - ', -.•1 and all appertaining to the said Land or beneath the surface of the said Land and all our right":7! n ,15.27- ,,,

and interest whatsoever thereon To Hold to Queen Victoria Her Heirs and Assigns as a lasting , •    ,,.• :r,;1.1.

absolutely for ever and ever. And in testimony of our consent to all the conditions pe.this 'Deer r7-C-   ;'.;,.,i), ,. , , ,

hereunto subscribed our names and marks. And in testimony of e consent of She_   :of-:', :. ,..',... ,

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part to all the conditions of this Deed the name of )1 41,   -e41 ))-4CX-4--•   •   • • ' e•••• -:"-i'.1 :'. - , 4 ;4't

Commissioner is hereunto subscribed. These are the boundaries of the Laud commencing at -....4AE414 ...40:d.

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