Volume 8 Part 2: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Mercury Bay District: page 45  (76 pages)
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CREATED I August 1878

Hauraki Minute Book 10 pages 320-321

AREA   1340 acres

PLAN   Hamilton Maori Land
plan 3688-9

Investigation of Title

Oteao 3 was surveyed by Edward Dean in August 1877.1

Application for investigation of title to Oteao 3 was made by Arama Whakatau of Ngati Hei in April 1878.2

Even before title had been investigated by the Court, an application was made, in April 1878, by the Native Minister to have the Court determine what interest in Oteao 3 had been acquired by the Crown.3

The Crown in May 1878 notified that monies had been paid for interests in an Oteao 3 block, supposed to contain 2500 acres in two portions, and that purchase of the block was being negotiated by the Government.4

The Court sat to consider the applications in July 1878. Arama Karaka Whakatau stated that I live at Ohinemuri and belong to N' Hei. The owners of this land are myself, Rehara Whakatau, Matahera Whakatau, Rahera Tanui, Erana Te Oneone and Rawiri Taiporutu.5

At this point JW Preece, representing the Crown, said that the Government had advanced £101 on the block. This was challenged by Arama Karaka Whakatau, who gave evidence that

Mr Mackay did not give me on the 27th April 1875 £96 on account of this land. He gave me at

the Court at Coromandel 2nd June 1876 £5.

My name was Mita before my father's death. At his death I took the name of Arama. I was christened Mita. Mr Mackay has not paid debts for me to the amount of £96. ... I know of the money paid me by Mr Mackay. I have had £5 paid to me here at Shortland, and £5

at Coromandel, also my sister Matahera £5. £15 is all the money I acknowledge to have received from him, I never signed an English document respecting the survey. I never signed any document like the one (voucher) now before the Court.

I have signed a receipt on an ordinary piece of paper for £5.6

1 Hamilton Maori Land plan 3688-9. Supporting Papers #N149.

2 Application for Investigation of Title, 2 April 1878. Maori Land Court Block Orders file C164. Supporting Papers #K8.i.

3 Native Minister to Chief Judge Native Land Court, 8 April 1878. Maori Land Court Hamilton Block Orders file C164. Supporting Papers #K8.2-4.

4 New Zealand Gazette 1878 pages 600-608, at page 607. Supporting Papers #W11.1-9.

5 Hauraki Minute Book 10 page 320. Supporting Papers #J16.48.

6 Hauraki Minute Book 10 pages 320-321. Supporting Papers #J16.48-49.