Volume 8 Part 2: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Mercury Bay District: page 39  (76 pages)
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The Chief Surveyor then advised that

The small areas were cut out by linkages as shown on Conveyance to Crown. As the land is Crown Land and not likely to be selected, there is little chance of graves being interfered with.14

In October 1896 Raima Te Hemoata, Waata Tiaia and Hapimana Hikihiki wrote to Main

The portion of the Marokoka block set apart as a reserve at Te Rewarewa is all wrong. Only 3 acres has been surveyed and Repiu Tokata's houses have been excluded, and the whole of the graves also.

We therefore ask you to have the survey corrected so as to take in Repiu Tokata's houses and all the graves.

The second reserve at Hinahina in the Marokoka block, namely 20 acres, should be adhered to. But Mangarahi survey is quite correct, namely to acres.

Now this is a prayer from us the successors to Repiu Tokata to have these errors in the survey rectified. If the surveyor goes there again, let him apply to Hapimana Hikihiki and Waata Tiaia to point out the graves etc, so that the correct acreage may be laid off.15

The Chief Surveyor agreed that

Mr Spencer will cut out the true burial reserves shortly. 16

Spencer completed his survey of the three reserves in May 1897.17 Because they were excluded from the purchase they remained in the ownership of Repiu Tokata.

Hinahina Reserve

This reserve of 30 acres was purchased in October 1898. The purchaser may have been

M O'Connor.

Mangarahi Reserve

There is a note on the survey plan that this reserve of 10 acres was "removed on C/T 85/18". It was purchased in January 1977.

Rewarewa Reserve

This reserve of 20 acres is not to be confused with the adjoining Te Rewarewa Block. Part is noted on the survey plan as "removed on C/T 85/18".

An intention to take 2 acres o roods 6.9 perches of Rewarewa Reserve for road was notified in 1939.18 The land was taken under the Public Works Act the following year.19 The road makes a dog-leg around a burial ground marked on the survey plan.

Rewarewa was purchased in January 1966.

14 Chief Surveyor Auckland to Chief Land Purchase Officer, 26 August 1896, on Land Purchase Officer Thames to Chief Land Purchase Officer, 10 August 1896. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1896/109. Supporting Papers #B108.9.

15 Raima Te Hemoata, Waata Tiaia and Hapimana Hikihiki, Thames, to Land Purchase Officer Thames, 20 October 1896. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1896/109. Supporting Papers #B108.10–12.

16 Chief Surveyor Auckland to Chief Land Purchase Officer, 12 December 1896, on Raima Te Hemoata, Waata Tiaia and Hapimana Hikihiki, Thames, to Land Purchase Officer Thames, 20 October 1896. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1896/109. Supporting Papers #B108.10–12.

17 Hamilton Maori Land plans 5701A&B and 5701C. Supporting Papers #N181 and N182.

18 New Zealand Gazette 1939 page 2514. Supporting Papers #W70.1.

19 New Zealand Gazette 1940 page 974. Supporting Papers #W71.1.