Volume 8 Part 2: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Mercury Bay District: page 30  (76 pages)
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Mercury Bay District: Te Kauanga Whenuakite

The Chief Surveyor became ill, which delayed settlement until just before Christmas 1901.22 A total of £790 (i.e. 5/- an acre) was paid for the land.

It emerged that not all survey work on the subdivisions of Te Kauanga Whenuakite had been completed, so that the Chief Surveyor had retained some of the purchase money to pay for this work, rather than deposit all of the residue with the Public Trustee.23 Instructions were

issued for a survey of the subdivisions in January 1902, and the work was completed the following month.24 By this survey all subdivisions of Te Kauanga Whenuakite retained the

areas ordered for them by the Court except Te Kauanga Whenuakite 3, which was treated as a balance area. It was found to have an area of 3070 acres.

A title to Te Kauanga Whenuakite 3 was issued to the Crown in August 1902. 25

In August 1902 Dugald Bryce of Mercury Bay wrote to the Minister of Mines.

The reason I wired you to stop payment of moneys to Rahera Tanui and Erana Pawe was this. I have been to considerable trouble and expense with these natives and got an order in the R.M. Court on January 15th 1901. It reads as follows: Summons to be withdrawn upon defendant giving an order on Government Land Purchase Officer to pay in the event of his selling land to Crown. Both orders read the same.

I have been told that these natives received several hundred pounds sterling last December, but my money has not been paid. I would be very thankful to you if you could get this money paid me or give me advice what to do in the matter. The Judge is to give his decision on 27th instant as to who is to have the handling of the money. Mr Walker, my lawyer of Coromandel, wrote or wired Mr Mair re the decision of the Court. The amount is

Rahera   £29–10–0

Erana   £40–10–0

Hoping you will be able to help me in this matter.26

A Charles O'Brien also wrote on Bryce's behalf.

Mr Bryce asks me to write you re some money due him from natives. It appears that Bryce got judgement against the natives and the R.M. advised Bryce to withdraw on receiving an order from the natives or the Native Land Purchasing Agent. Bryce got the orders and I believe his solicitor forwarded them to Major Mair. Since then these natives have sold land to the Crown and received payment, and Bryce's claim has been overlooked. 27

Mair was asked for an explanation, and replied that

You will remember the two native women Erana Te Oneone and Rahera Tanui in December last sold the Whenuakite Kauanga block 3000 acres for £790, which sum I paid to Commissioner of Crown Lands Auckland, and he, after paying certain claims, survey liens, Court fees etc,

22 Telegram Land Purchase Officer, Auckland, to Chief Land Purchase Officer, 21 December 1901. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1902/67. Supporting Papers #B149.24.

Hamilton Land Registry Transfer 29093. Supporting Papers #Q66.

23 RJ Gill, Auckland, to Chief Land Purchase Officer, 77 January 1902, on Registrar Native Land Court Auckland to Chief Land Purchase Officer, 10 January 1902. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1902/67. Supporting Papers #B149.25–26.

24 Hamilton Maori Land plan 6646. Supporting Papers #N228.

25 Hamilton Land Registry Certificate of Title 110/171. Copy on Auckland Deed 3479.

Supporting Papers #A302.

26 Dugald Bryce, Mercury Bay, to Minister of Mines, 22 August 1902. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 7902/67. Supporting Papers #B149.27–28.

27 C O'Brien, Mercury Bay, to Native Minister, 22 August 1902. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1902/67. Supporting Papers #B149.29–30.