Volume 10: The Social and Economic Situation of Hauraki Maori After Colonisation

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5. Health and Medical Care: page 50  (15 pages)
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1878   Regional

Good potato crops so that Maori are 'beyond the reach of absolute want of food' (Puckey, AJHR 1878 MA)

1881   Regional

No epidemic; Maori mortality chiefly among the very young and the aged from consumption and lung disease and simple childhood diseases due to lack of care and nourishment (Wilkinson, AJHR 1881 G3)


One death from bronchitis and one from scrofula and asthma (C.H. Horrell, Native Medical Officer, MA 21/19)

1882   Regional

`Considerable number' of Maori vaccinated in expectation of a smallpox epidemic (which did not arrive in New Zealand); children suffered from after-effects due to their unhealthy condition (Wilkinson, AJHR 1882 GI)


One death from phthisis, two more from 'retention of urine' and lamoptysis' (Horrell, MA 21/19)

1883   Coromandel

One death due to `febris' (fever) (Horrell, MA 21/19)

1884-5 Thames

Report on 15 months treatment by Native Medical Officer: cases chiefly pulmonary, skin, enteric illnesses; two deaths (causes not given) (M.H. Payne, Native Medical Officer, MA 21/19)

1884   Thames (Parawai)

One case of 'pneumonia ... of a typhoid character'; four deaths recorded in next few months (Payne, MA 21/19)


`No disease of an alarming nature'; Maori deaths chiefly among young people `and adults of no particular rank' (Wilkinson, AJHR 1884 GI)


Unspecified school closed due to 'very bad fever epidemic' with iz children `carried off (J. Pope, Inspector of Native Schools, AJHR 1884 E2)

1885   Thames (Parawai)

Three deaths in three months, one of typhoid (Payne, MA 21/19)

1886   Kirikiri

`Much sickness in the district' (Pope, AJHR 1886 Ez)

Thames (Parawai)

One death from typhoid, one from pneumonia and one from phthisis (Payne, MA 21/19)

1887   Regional

Health fairly good, no deaths of people of importance (Wilkinson, AJHR 1887 GI)


Poor Native School attendance caused by 'sickness and death' (Pope, AJHR 1887 E2)

Thames (Parawai)

Two deaths from 'tubercular bronchitis' (Payne, MA 21/19)

1891   Regional

`Almost universal hakihaki amongst the [Maori] children' (Census report, AJHR 1891 G2)