Volume 10: The Social and Economic Situation of Hauraki Maori After Colonisation

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2. The Regional Population: page 25  (12 pages)
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The Regional Population

later censuses suggest that there were higher numbers of 'outside' tribal members in the region than the 1874-1881 returns suggest.

Census returns for counties, 1886-1916

2.21 Counties were established in 1876 and statistics relating to them may be used to present a reasonably consistent picture over time, for though the number of counties increased it did so in the main by sub-division within the boundaries originally set. The county population figures used here are for 'geographical' counties—ie. they include the populations of interior boroughs and town districts. These administrative units had a Pakeha, not a Maori, rationale. Much of the Hauraki rohe was included in the original two counties of Coromandel and Thames. These two had become three by 1886, with Ohinemuri carved out of Thames. By 1916, still largely within the original boundaries, Great Barrier and Franklin had become separate counties. In addition, separate figures are given from time to time for Waiheke and 'Islands of the Gulf'; however, they are so small that they hardly affect the general picture. In this report, most attention will be paid to a group of 'core' counties, Coromandel, Thames and Ohinemuri (together with Great Barrier and Waiheke), because their relationship with the Hauraki rohe is relatively unambiguous.


  1. Core   1886   1891   1896   19o1   1906   1911   1916

Great Barrier   112(1)   1621)   65   37   41   72   83

Waiheke   –   –   59   70   –c2)

   54   31(3)

Coromandel   590   615   682   579   695   498   298

Thames   1,222   844   1,067   829   774   770   665

Ohinemuri   484   512   503   646   675   661   690

   2,408   2,133   2,376   2,161   2,185   2,055   1,767

  1. Fringe   1886   1891   1896   1901   1906   1911   1916

Waitemata   193   246   276   175   189   186   392

Eden   141   16o   204   245   282   372   139

Manukau   658   484   694   774   678   776   258

Franklin   –   –   –   –   –   629 (4)

Waikato   446   565   335   i,008   838   603   528

   1,438   1,455   1,509   2,202   1,987   1,937   1,946


  1. Waiheke included in Great Barrier

  2. Waiheke included in Eden

  3. Designated 'Islands in Hauraki Gulf

  4. Previously included in Manukau

Source: Census ofNew Zealand for specified years