Volume 2: Nga Iwi o Hauraki/The Iwi of Hauraki

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Preface: page vii  (2 pages)
Chapter Overview
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My name is Taimoana Turoa and I reside at Thames. I am of Hauraki and identify personally with the tribes of Ngati Hako, Ngati Hei, Ngai Tai, Ngati Maru, Ngati Tamatera, Ngati Whanaunga and Ngati Paoa which are among the tribes I discuss in this report. I also claim affiliation with the tribes of Tuwharetoa, Te Atihaunui a Paparangi, Ngati Raukawa ki to Tonga and Ngati Kahungungu.

I am a Hauraki kaumatua and have more than a passing knowledge of its tribal history and traditions. My overall affiliation with all tribal sections has given me a certain facility and access to both oral and recorded information during my lifetime. My elders, long since dead, had always acquainted me with aspects of their traditions from a very early age. The information contained in this report is based on their imparted knowledge and my own personal experiences during the last 47 years.

On many occasions since 1960 I have assisted the Maori Land Court by way of traditional and customary Maori evidence at various hearings.

I am currently a member of the Maori Heritage Council, Pou Here Taonga (established under the Historic Places Trust Act 1993), a position I have held since 1994.
