Volume 2: Nga Iwi o Hauraki/The Iwi of Hauraki

Table of Contents
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Foreword   iii

Preface   vii

Introduction   I


1 Hauraki Boundaries, Iwi, and Marae   3

Te Tara-O-Te-Ika   3

The Hauraki Maori Trust Board Iwi   6

The Hauraki Marae   6

2   The Marutuahu Compact   8

Marutuahu   8

Marutuahu of the Tainui Waka   9

The Marutuahu Campaigns   9
Marutuahu Briefly Relocate Inland   11

Marutuahu in Tamaki   12

3   Ngati Hako   14

4   Ngati Hei   18

5   Ngati Rahiri   20

6   Patukirikiri   22

7   Ngati Tamatera   24

8   Ngati Whanaunga   27

9   Ngati Maru   30

10   Ngati Paoa   34

11   Ngai Tai   38

12   Ngati Pukenga ki Waiau   41

13   Ngati Porou ki Harataunga ki Mataora   43

14   Ngati Rongo U   46

15 Tuhourangi   47

16   Ngati Tautahi   48

17   Te Whakatohea   50


1 Hauraki Region   2

2   Dispersal of Hauraki Tribes Circa 1840   5


1 Hauraki Maori Trust Board Act 1989   53

2   Iwi Affiliation of People of New Zealand Maori Descent

Resident in New Zealand   54