Volume 5 Part 2: The Crown, The Treaty and the Hauraki Tribes 1800-1885 Supporting Papers

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Type   Title   Doc. No.

AJLC   Report of Committee on Native Reserves Bill. AJLC 15–8–1870. pp 8–9   #1–2

NZPD Speech of H Sewell. 29–8–1870. NZPD Vol 9 pp 359–362   #3–5

NZPD NZ Parliamentary Debates. Vol. 9 p 362   #5

NZPD NZ Parliamentary Debates. Vol. 9 pp 362–364   #5–6

NZPD NZ Parliamentary Debates. Vol. 9 pp 364–365   #6

NZPD NZ Parliamentary Debates. Vol. 9 pp 365–366   #6–7

NZPD NZ Parliamentary Debates. Vol. 9 P 455   #8

NZPD NZ Parliamentary Debates. Vol. 9 P 564   #9

NZG   The Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act 1870   #10–12

AJHR Instructions to Trust Commissioners. AJHR 1871 G–7A   #13

AJLC   Instructions to Trust Commissioners. AJLC 1871 p 162   #14

AJHR Report of the Trust Commissioners Year ended 31–5–1871. AJHR G–7   #15–29

AJLC   Orders of Reference for Comm. to Inquire into Council report. P 53   #30

AJLC   Report of Committee of Legislative Council AJLC P 142   #31

NZG   The Native Lands Fraud Prevention Act Amend. Act 1873. NZG P 167   #32

NZG   NZ Gazette. 1871 P 275   #33

NZG   NZ Gazette. 1872 P 3   #34

AJHR Trust Commissioner to Agent for General Government 1871 G–7   #16–19

NZG   NZ Gazette 1871 p 1   #35

MA   Trust Comm. Auck. to Undr Sec. Native Dept. N&D 1874/6814   #36–37

NZG   NZ Gazette 1874 pp 810–812   #38–40

NZG   NZ Gazette 1871 p 277   #41

NZG NZ Gazette 1873 p 30   #42

AJHR Trust Comm. Auck. to Native Min. AJHR 1877 G–6   #43–44

MA   Trust Comm. Auck. to Native Min. MA Head Office papers   #45–48

AJHR Trust Comm. Auck. to Native Min. AJHR 1876 G–8   #49

AJHR Trust Comm. Auck. to Native Min. AJHR 1877 G–6   #43–44

NZG   The Native Lands Fraud Prevention Act 1881   #50–53

NZPD NZ Parliamentary Debates, Vol. 38 pp174–176   #58–59

NZPD NZPD Vol. 35 pp 225–227, Vol 37 pp 59–60, Vol. 38 pp 174–176   #54–59

NZPD NZPD Vol 37 pp 59–60   #56–57

NZG NZG 1882 pp 258–260   #60–62

NZG NZG 1882 p 686   #63

NZG NZG 1882 p 791   #64

NZG NZG 1883 p 1359   #66

NZG NZG 1883 p 1358   #65

MA   Native Min. to US Native Dept 21–4–1885 NO 1886/636   #67–69

NZG NZG 1885 p 512   #70

NZG   Notice by US Native Dept. 9–6–1885. NZG 1885 p 760   #71

NZPD NZPD Vol. 54 p 463   #72

NZPD NZPD Vol. 62 pp 15–16   #73

NZPD NZPD Vol. 63 pp 460–1 & 475   #74–75

NZG   Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act NZG 1888 pp137–139   #82–83

NZPD NZPD Vol. 65 pp 380–381   #84

NZPD NZPD Vol. 66 pp 261–265   #85–87
