Volume 9 Part 22: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Volume 9 Part 22: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers: page 37  (624 pages)
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" The Native Land Court Acct, 1894."
   -   -

In the Native Land Court,

   New Zealand,   If   TP2

(4/ r ( it(   .   District.

AT a sitting of the Court held at !)4ci)

on the   7rc((erladd   day of

before. Zic   c (-   ,C1/1   , Esqiiire, Judge,

and 76-71( 7) 1 rt Li; I a   , Assessor :

WHEREAS, upon the application of a Minister of the Crown, it has been declared that Her Majesty has acquired estate in part of land called i;( te I roll /7"-:?(

heretofore held under

dated the   26th   day of   September   1885 :

It is, as to the residue of the said land, containing 4 • 2. 0 (1.8210 ha) (being the land delineated in the plan hereon indorsed), now mulled


14cr if III((

hereby ordered and declared that the same is the property of the ft...oet.friNatives named in the first column of the Schedule indorsed hereon, 4444

.   .   . .   , both ino/ucive,


i+1-4,14e-r-espee.t.i-ve- -prepsq=tions i;ot-44t- aft.o.v-414.caLn 441-1.444-.4.4e.1.1 of thew +L ' -64943eRd-oolumn of-tho Gaid -Solicdule and it is hereby declared that so much and such part of the share of each owner as is set out in tile third column of the said Schedule is inalienable, or 4:milie•or4ble••-.?,44-414 4•••Jeo.ge• ;f 4p--,4-10.644461 no exceeding- twent y-otte- years:

FRES CHAI:01:1) :

Order for Besidue.- Sec. 78, N.L.C. Act. If.494..]