Volume 9 Part 22: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Volume 9 Part 22: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers: page 35  (624 pages)
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" The Native Land Court A(-1. 1894."

n the Native Land Court,

(1:// 1,1( ; r(tit /1°!..-0S714-7

New Zealand,   .

(((i r4 61, (   District.

AT a sitting of the Court held at-rt Cl nr .

on the   (fm.iitir   day of, 1896 ,

• el /-   / 4 (-4'qcq   , Esquire, Judge,

111(1., Vroe   a nr,f,--r   „Assessor.:

WHEREAS a Minister of the Crown has heretofore applied to the Court to ascertain the interest (if any) acquired by Her AI ajesty in land known as

( 4, rr(   (4   f` .2e7_74

in the District of 0/1   I ct,ir

Upon reading the said application,. and upon hearing the parties, rr
nEREey olormum AND DEcLAiino that Ck. :\Ertjesty has, in such part of the said

land us is delineated in the pli{u indorsed` hereon, containing '716 .   (' .4-

and which part is hereby *Imo]:

(I   14(1( fir'2,Cfi /7q.


acquifed an estate 6f inlieriti nee in fee-simple.



V.itr3nesii(the hand of l/r. (.c   I

j7srinire, Judge, and the seal of the Court.

(inter ill favour of H.M.—Sec. 78, N.L.C. Act, 3m174.