Volume 8 Part 4: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Preface: page 46  (393 pages)
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Hauraki Plains District: Hoe o Tainui

Purchase of Hoe o Tainui South 4BIA by the Crown

By partition in 1905 Hoe o Tainui South 4B1 of 367 acres 2 roods had been created.55 Mackay purchased the interests of 4 owners in Hoe o Tainui South 4B1 for the Crown in July and August 1907.56 The price paid was on the basis that the block as a whole was worth 101-1-3d (i.e. 5/6d an acre). The Crown then applied to the Native Land Court to have its interest in the block defined. In November 1907 the Court placed all of the Crown's interest in Hoe o Tainui South 4BIA of 86 acres 1 rood, leaving the non-sellers with Hoe o Tainui South 4BIB of z8i acres i rood.57

Hoe o Tainui South 4B1A was declared Crown Land in March 1908.58

Purchase of Hoe o Tainui South 4B2 by the Crown

By partition in 1905 Hoe o Tainui South 4B2 of 1575 acres 2 roods had been created.59 James Mackay purchased interests in Hoe o Tainui South 4B2 for the Crown between July and November 1907.60 The price paid was £433-5-3d (i.e. 5/6d an acre).

At a Court hearing in November 1907 Mackay explained that the majority of the shares in the block had been purchased, and it was intended to take the land by Proclamation; as result there was no need for the Court to consider an application to define the Crown's interest, and the application which had been lodged was withdrawn." However in October 1908 a fresh application by the Crown was heard. All the interests in the block had been purchased, but no Proclamation had been issued. The Court ordered the block in the name of the Crown.62

Hoe o Tainui South 4B2 was declared Crown Land in August 1909.63

Purchase of Interests in Hoe o Tainui South 4BIB

In about August 1911Poukai Haku, one of the owners of Hoe o Tainui South 4, advised that the owners wished to sell the block to the Crown for its Government Valuation." The Native Land Purchase Board agreed that a meeting of owners should be called to consider selling the block to the Crown.65 Because Hoe o Tainui South 4 had been partitioned, it was felt that the correct block to which the Crown's direction should be addressed was Hoe o Tainui South 4B1B.66 However two attempts to hold a meeting in April and May 1912 failed to produce a quorum,67 and the matter lapsed.

55 Hauraki Minute Book 54 pages 170-171.

56 Auckland Deed 3623. Supporting Papers #A328.

57 Hauraki Minute Book 58 page 10. Supporting Papers #J65.3.

58 New Zealand Gazette 1908 page 888. Supporting Papers #w4r.i.

59 Hauraki Minute Book 54 pages 170-171.

60 Auckland Deed 3839. Supporting Papers #A356.

61 Hauraki Minute Book 58 page ro. Supporting Papers #J65.3.

62 Hauraki Minute Book 59 page 97. Supporting Papers #J66.9.

63 New Zealand Gazette 1909 page zo65. Supporting Papers #w42.4.

64 President Waikato-Maniapoto District Maori Land Board to Under Secretary Native Department, 23 August 1911. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1911/59. Supporting Papers #B160.1.

65 Resolution of Native Land Purchase Board, 16 October 1911, referred to on cover sheet to file NLP 1911/59, and Under Secretary Native Department to President Waikato-Maniapoto District Maori Land Board, 27 March 1912. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1911/59. Supporting Papers #B160.7 and 2-4.

66 President Waikato-Maniapoto District Maori Land Board to Under Secretary Native Department, 15 April 1912. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1911/59. Supporting Papers #B160.5.

67 President Waikato-Maniapoto District Maori Land Board to Under Secretary Native Department, 24 May 1912. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1911/59. Supporting Papers #B160.6.