Volume 8 Part 4: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Preface: page 41  (393 pages)
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  •     Hoe o Tainui North 2 (Tatua o Pani), to be further subdivided once survey completed into three divisions, one for 8o owners of Te Mate Tokoroa, a second for 49 owners of Ngati Rauhea and 42 owners of Ngati Rauhea Kauahi, and a third for 58 owners of Ngati Parengaherehere,

  •     Hoe o Tainui North 3 (Tirotiro), excluding two reserves named Tupare (too acres) and Waitawa a Urumotu (5 acres), 58 owners of Ngati Parengarenga

  •     Hoe o Tainui North 4 (Kaipakari), to owners of Ngati Parengaherehere,

  •     Hoe o Tainui North 5 (Toroanui), 17 owners of Ngati Ringatahi,

  •     Hoe o Tainui North 6, 78 owners of Ngati Tahuna Raukawa,

  •     Hoe o Tainui South 1 (Whareroa), 32 owners of Ngati Te Hiko,

  •     Hoe o Tainui South 2 (Te Kohatu), Ngapare Paama, Kemo Horete and Pirihi Tomonui,

  •     Hoe o Tainui South 3 (Te Riu o Hauraki), 44 owners (15 of Ngahuha,

20 of Te Mate Tokoroa, and 9 of Ngati Rauhea),

  •     Hoe o Tainui South 4, 17 owners of Ngati Tahuna Raukawa.16

Peter Cheal, Ngati Paoa's surveyor, commented in November 1890 that

The Hoe o Tainui case, which was the first start in breaking up the Maori isolation, cost Mr Graham and myself in Court fees and advances to natives to fight the case £250, besides cost of surveys, for which there is little prospect of payment at present. Had this not been done, the Government areas would never have passed the Court.17

As promised, in June 1891 Hoe o Tainui North z was partitioned after survey into

Hoe o Tainui North 2A, 15o acres, Ngati Rauhea and Ngati Rauhea Kauahi, Hoe o Tainui North 2B, 500 acres, Te Matetokoroa,

Hoe o Tainui North 2C, 18o acres, Ngati Parengaherehere.18

That same month the reserves in Hoe o Tainui North 3 were defined and awarded by the Court,19 and Hoe o Tainui South 3 was partitioned into

Hoe o Tainui South 3A, 183 acres 2 roods, 9 owners of Ngati Rauhea, Hoe o Tainui South 3B, 1420 acres, 20 owners of Te Matetokoroa,

Hoe o Tainui South 3c, 15oo acres, is owners of Nga Huha o Tahuna Raukawa.2°

Purchase of Hoe o Tainui South 2 by the Crown

In May 1896 Gilbert Mair reported that

I have received a message from Pirihi Tomonui and Ngawhare, two out of the three owners, offering to sell the Hoe o Tainui South No z or Kowhatu block containing 1420 acres, at 7/6d an acre. The same natives also offer the adjoining block, Hoe o Tainui South No 1 or Te Whareroa containing 1200 acres, but state there are over 3o owners and they cannot say how many of these are willing to sell, but so far as the first block is concerned there is no difficulty.

16 Hauraki Minute Book 25 pages 146-159 and 162-169. Supporting Papers #J30.36-39 and 40-47.

17 PE Cheal, Authorised Surveyor, Auckland, to Chief Surveyor Auckland, 9 November I890. Lands and Survey Auckland file 681A.. Supporting Papers #EI.14.

18 Hauraki Minute Book 27 pages 255-257. Supporting Papers #132a0-12.

19 Hauraki Minute Book 27 pages 279-280. Supporting Papers #J32.19-2o.

20 Hauraki Minute Book 27 pages 280-285. Supporting Papers #J32.2o-25.