Volume 8 Part 4: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Preface: page 27  (393 pages)
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acquisition at a higher figure than set out in the Government Valuation"," and the land purchase officer was instructed to proceed.97

The land purchase officer purchased shares at the rate of the unimproved value for the two blocks (i.e. £15,700 in the case of Awaiti IJ2BIB2). The first purchase of an interest in Awaiti gzAz as in December 1921,98 and of an interest in Awaiti ganz was in June 1921.99

As at March 1924 the Crown had acquired shareholdings equivalent to 65 acres 1 rood of Awaiti 42A2 (leaving the equivalent of 33 acres o roods 23 perches not purchased), and the equivalent of 477 acres 3 roods 31 perches of Awaiti IJ2BIb2 (leaving the equivalent of 779 acres 2 roods 4 perches not purchased).100 That year an application was made by one of the non-sellers for the partition of the two blocks.

In October 1924 the Court awarded those owners who had sold to the Crown Awaiti IJZA2B of 65 acres 2 roods 20 perches, while the sole non-seller, Takotorau Te Pirihi, was awarded Te Awaiti IJ2A2A of 34 acres 1 rood 20 perches.101The Crown award was then declared Crown Land.102 When surveyed Awaiti IJA2B had an area of 64 acres 2 roods 14 perches.

There were no further purchases of shares in Awaiti ij2BiB2.103 In August 1927 the land purchase officer reported that

The balance owners are holding. I do not think the Drainage Board requires more than already purchased, however when the Engineer returns I shall see him and have his advice. I shall then follow up the owners if further land is required.104

Three months later the Under Secretary for Lands asked that purchasing in this block cease."' It was agreed that the Crown's interest would be partitioned out, and application was made to the Native Land Court.106

In March 1928 the Court awarded those who had sold to the Crown Awaiti 1J2BIB2A of 477 acres 3 roods 31 perches, leaving the 6 non-sellers with Awaiti IJ2BIB2B of 779 acres 1 rood 4 perches.107 Both awards were subject to the area of a roadline being deducted on a pro rata basis from each subdivision. The Crown block was declared Crown Land in June 1928.108

96 Chief Surveyor Auckland to Under Secretary for Lands, 17 May 1921. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1919/21. Supporting Papers #B172.24.

97 Under Secretary Native Department to Land Purchase Officer Auckland, 24 May 1921. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1919/21. Supporting Papers #13172.25.

98 Auckland Deed 4643. Supporting Papers #A389.

99 Auckland Deed 469o. Supporting Papers #A392.

100 Handwritten note, undated, on Under Secretary for Lands to Under Secretary Native Department, 6 October 1924. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1919/21. Supporting Papers #13172.37-39.

101 Hauraki Minute Book 68 pages 353-354. Supporting Papers #.175.10-n.

102 New Zealand Gazette 1925 pages 159-160. Supporting Papers #w57.1-2.

103 Auckland Deed 469o. Supporting Papers #A392.

104 Land Purchase Officer Auckland to Under Secretary Native Department, 3o August 192,7. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1919/21. Supporting Papers #8172.4o-41.

ros Under Secretary for Lands to Under Secretary Native Department, 8 November 2927. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1919/21. Supporting Papers #B172.42-43.

106 Under Secretary Native Department to Registrar Native Land Court Auckland, 24 November 1927. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1919/21. Supporting Papers #B172.44-45.

107 Hauraki Minute Book 69 page 216. Supporting Papers #J76.2.

108 New Zealand Gazette 292,8 page 2079. Supporting Papers #w60.3.