Volume 8 Part 4: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Hauraki Plains District: Te Awaiti

for his flax (miffing) undertaking. This (he) is a responsible (or proper or worthy) person from Hauraki."

In July 1909 Paora Tiunga's interest was purchased by the Crown. Te Niana Iheihe's interest was purchased in August 1910." The total purchase price for the block was £396 (i.e. £1-10-od per acre).

In July 1911 the Court determined that the Crown had purchased all the shares and was therefore the sole owner of Awaiti 1A1.88

A title was issued to the Crown.89

Purchase by the Crown of Interests in Awaiti 1J2A2 and 1J2B1B2

In May 1919, as part of the Hauraki Plains Drainage Scheme, the Chief Drainage Engineer in the Department of Lands and Survey recommended that a prohibition on alienation be

issued against Awaiti IJA2 and ij2BIB2, (among other blocks) as "the lands mentioned are all dependable more or less on the Department's drainage works".9° At this time Awaiti 1J2A2 of

approximately 100 acres had six owners, while Awaiti 1J2B1B2 of 1257 acres i rood 35 perches had 12 owners. The notice was issued in August 1919.91 It prohibited all alienations of the

blocks, other than alienation to the Crown, for one year. The notice was extended for a further six months in July 1920.92 and then for a further 18 months in January 1921.93

In February 192,1 the Under Secretary for Lands asked the Native Department to arrange the purchase of the two blocks, as they were considered

suitable for close settlement and are lands of good quality". The Government Valuation for the zoo acres was £izoo and for the 1257 acre portion £4350 in 1917. I have no doubt but that a new valuation would show a considerable increase in these prices, and suggest that the Valuation Department should be asked to supply a new valuation which might be submitted to me for consideration before the acquisition is proceeded with.94

The new valuations showed capital values of £r000 and L'16,550 (including £850 for

improvements) for Awaiti 1JZA2 and 1.12BIB2 respectively.95 Purchase was approved by the Lands and Survey Department, a Crown Lands Ranger having "strongly recommended their

86 Telegram Hone Heke MP to Native Minister, 9 May 1908. Maori Affairs Head Office file 1907/23. Supporting Papers #C6.27-30.

87 Hamilton Land Registry Transfer 101665. Supporting Papers #0,121.

88 Hauraki Minute Book 6o pages 271-272. Supporting Papers #J67.8-9.

89 Hamilton Land Registry Certificate of Title 272/246. Copy on Auckland Deed 4130. Supporting Papers #A371.

90 Chief Drainage Engineer to Under Secretary for Lands, 13 May 1919. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1919/21. Supporting Papers #13172.1.

91 New Zealand Gazette 2929 page 2575. Supporting Papers #w51.6.

92 New Zealand Gazette 192o page zzoo. Supporting Papers #w52.5.

93 New Zealand Gazette 1922 page 235. Supporting Papers #W53.3.

94 Commissioner of Crown Lands Auckland to Under Secretary for Lands to Under Secretary Native

Department, 7 February 19219 forwarded to Under Secretary Native Department, 9 February 1921. Maori

Affairs Head Office file MLP 1919/21. Supporting Papers #13172.20.

93 Valuation Certificate, 22 March 1921. Maori Affairs Head Office file MLP 1919/21. Supporting Papers
