Volume 8 Part 4: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Preface: page 25  (393 pages)
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Crown's award could be completed, Haora Tareranui paid the £9-8-9d ovving,8° and the matter was then dropped.

A similar award was sought in Awaiti 6 at the same time. The survey charge was 2-16-8d, and the cost of surveying the Crown's award would be £3. At 5/- an acre, 24 acres was sought." Again Haora Tareranui paid the £2-16-8d owing,82 and the matter was dropped.

Stout-Ngata Commission

The Stout-Ngata Commission was told about lands still in Maori ownership in 1908. It was told that Awaiti IH2B and rHzC were leased or under negotiations for lease. It recommended, presumably at the request of the owners, that four other Awaiti subdivisions should be treated in the following manner:

Leased to   Held as   Sold to   Sold for

Europeans   Papakainga   Europeans   Mana

Awaiti 1B2   i000 acres   664 acres

Awaiti ID2   zoo acres   175 acres   25 ac

Awaiti tjzA & B   3000 acres   535 ac 2r   518 acres   'a° ac83

The proceeds of land sold for mana was to used to purchase land at Turangawaewae.

The Commission, the Registrar of the Native Land Court (which advised the Commission), and the owners, seem to have been unaware that Awaiti 1B2 had been partitioned in November 1907, with part awarded to the Crown.

Purchase by the Crown of Awaiti IAI

Awaiti IA was partitioned in August 1907, as follows:

Awaiti   264 acres   Paora Tiunga and Te Niana Iheihe,

Awaiti tik Tapu, r acre   Tangiwai Te Kiri solely (to be inalienable),

Awaiti 1A.2,535 acres   15 owners84

In April 1908 Paora Tiunga offered his interest in Awaiti IA1 to the Crown.

This is a prayer from me to you that you agree to my land at Te Awaiti No r containing 240 acres, owned by me solely, being applied to discharge my trouble (debt). The following is my trouble, viz. a flax mill of mine at Te Komiti, Kaipara. The balance due on the said mill is £zor. The month for paying same is in May, the nth day thereof. The said land adjoins Te Awaiti No 213,500 acres, sold by me to the Crown. This is the reason why I apply, because the money already expended on the said mill is very large, viz. £600.

The partition of the said block has been completed, and there are two of us in the partition, my co-owner owning 24 acres, so that the whole area is 264 acres.85

The following month Hone Heke MP telegraphed in support.

Inform me today your word re the letter of Paora Tiunga to you praying you to (give) him freedom to borrow money on his land Te Awaiti No IA, 264 acres (to enable him to obtain funds)

80 Margin note on Hauraki Minute Book 56 page 357. Supporting Papers #J63.29.

81 Hauraki Minute Book 56 page 357. Supporting Papers #J63.59.

82 Margin note on Hauraki Minute Book 56 page 357. Supporting Papers #J63.59.


AJHR, 1909, G-rA, pages 7-9. Supporting Papers #u32.2-4.

84 Hauraki Minute Book 56 pages 140-141 and zoz. Supporting Papers #763.1-2 and 4.

85 Paora Tiunga, Paeroa, to Native Minister, 15 April 1908. Maori Affairs Head Office file 1907/23. Supporting Papers #c6.21-26.
