Volume 8 Part 4: The Hauraki Tribal Lands

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Hauraki Plains District: Te Awaiti

The petitioners were told that "the matter must be arranged between yourselves and Mr James Mackay, Native Land Purchase Officer Paeroa".7°

Purchase by the Crown ofAwaiti IC

In January 1907 Kimokimo Pepene, acting on his own behalf and as trustee for Mihireana Kimokimo, sold the western 70 acres of Awaiti IC to the Crown for "Lao previously paid and the sum of 42-10-od now paid".71 In June 1907 he sold the remaining 5o acres of the block to the Crown for 437-io-od.72

Purchase by the Crown of Awaiti 2B

Awaiti 2B was purchased by the Crown from its sole owner Paora Tiunga for £675 in July 19 07.73

A title was issued to the Crown.74

Purchase of Interests in Awaiti 1B2 by the Crown

Mackay purchased seven shares in Awaiti az for the Crown in June 1906.75 This was not a majority of the shares in the block, so the Crown then applied to the Native Land Court to have its interests defined. In November 1907 the Court awarded the Crown Awaiti azA of 432 acres and the non-sellers Awaiti IB2B of 1232 acres.76

Awaiti IB2A was declared Crown Land in March 1908.77

Purchase by the Crown of Interests in Awaiti 7

In January 1907 the sole owner of Awaiti 7, Kimokimo Pepene, transferred part of his interest in the block to the Crown!' This transfer affected loo acres in the western part of the 150 acre block, for which the purchase price was Lioo.

It seems that the Crown's purchase was not declared to be Crown Land, because of the need to first survey the land it had acquired.

Proposed Awards of Parts of Awaiti 5 and 6 to the Crown in Lieu of Survey Costs

In September 1907 the Crown claimed that a survey charge of Z9-8-9d was owing against Awaiti 5. It sought to have land to this value awarded it. The cost of surveying the subdivision of this land would be £3, so land to a total value of 12-8-9d was sought. The valuation of the block was 5/- an acre, so 49 acres was sought. The Court agreed to this,79 but before the

70 Under Secretary for Lands to Rapata Tineia and 33 others, Paeroa, 5 September 1907. Lands and Survey Head Office file 54769. Supporting Papers #D3.41.

71 Hamilton Land Registry Transfer 87817. Supporting Papers #0,105.

72 Hamilton Land Registry Transfer 87816. Supporting Papers #0,1o4.

73 Hamilton Land Registry Transfer 88764. Supporting Papers #0108.

74 Hamilton Land Registry Certificate of Title ? Copy on Auckland Deed 4o97. Supporting Papers #A37o.

75 Auckland Deed 3646. Supporting Papers #A348.

76 Hauraki Minute Book 58 page Io. Supporting Papers #J65.3.

77 New Zealand Gazette 1908 page 888. Supporting Papers #wo.t.

78 Hamilton Land Registry Transfer 43234. Supporting Papers #Q72.

79 Hauraki Minute Book 56 page 357. Supporting Papers #J63.29.