Volume 9 Part 12: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Part 12: page 31  (572 pages)
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Memorandum for. Mr. Maxwell

. The Government has agreed to purchase the balance (   acres 2 roods ) of the Karaka No.1 block, Coromandel District, at £2:10:0 per-acre,

The owner-is Wiremu Taurua of Coromandel.

I have requested Messrs Hesketh and Rdchmond to prepare the necessary memorandum of transfer, and lodge it with the District Land Registrar.

On your.ascertaining that it has been accepted for- registration), and that the Drown Grant and any other fees due have been paid, you can pay over-the consideration money to the Native or, his duly authorised agent.

Two small portions of the block, marked A and B on tracing attached, have been disposed of privately,

The whole of the temainder'of the block, without lien or-encumbrance of any kind, must be included in the transfer:


22nd September, 1899.