Volume 1: The Claims

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Chapter 2: Statement of Claim: page 24  (28 pages)
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of the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi by the Crown which prejudiced Hauraki Maori.

  1.  Additional claims were filed by Toko Renata Te Taniwha and the Hauraki Maori Trust Board for and on behalf of those tribes of Hauraki having an interest. Claim WAI 373 relates to the Hauraki interest in the Waikato Raupatu and in particular, the Maramarua State Forest and was filed on 22 September 1995. Claim WAI 374 relates to the Hauraki interest in central Auckland lands and in particular to the railway lands there situated. It was filed on the same day. Claim WAI 650 relates to the Hauraki interest in the Athenree State Forest and the Katikati-Te Puna block and was filed on 24 December 1996.

  2.  WAI 373, 374 and 650 are for all material purposes to be treated as if they are part of the comprehensive WAI 100 Hauraki claim.

2. Te Ture—Jurisdiction

The Hauraki Maori Trust Board alleges:

2.1 That the claimant was a Maori and, for the purposes of the WAI 100 claim, was representative of all the iwi of Hauraki.

2.2 That the Board and each of its 12 elected iwi representatives are Maori and, for the purposes of the prosecution of the WAI 100 claim, are representative of the 12 iwi of Hauraki, their hapu, whanau and individual constituents who are its beneficiaries.

2.3 That the claimant and that the Board, its members, the iwi, hapu, whanau and individuals who are its beneficiaries are Maori and have been and remain prejudicially affected by the Acts, Regulations, policies, practices, acts and omissions of the Crown set out in Part 3 hereof ("Nga Hara—The Grievances") which were enacted, promulgated, formulated, undertaken, done or omitted in breach of the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.

2.4 That the prejudice referred to in 2.3 herein suffered by the Hauraki iwi, hapu, whanau and individuals was and remains gross, unjustifiable and disproportionate when compared with the burden of Treaty breaches borne by other iwi and when contrasted with the benefits which have accrued to the Crown and the nation in consequence of such prejudice.

2.5 That the prejudice as aforesaid was and remains such that Hauraki is entitled to immediate and substantial reparations such as to restore the mana and economic base of the Hauraki people including:

  1.  The return to Hauraki of all Crown lands within the Hauraki rohe.

  2.  The return to Hauraki of all State Enterprise lands within the Hauraki rohe, including any former State Enterprise lands subject to s 27B of the State Owned Enterprises Act 1986.