Volume 1: The Claims

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Chapter 2: Statement of Claim: page 23  (28 pages)
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Chapter 2: Statement of Claim [2. Te Ture—Jurisdiction]

1.3 Te kaitono—the claimant

  1.  The claimant in the WAI 100 comprehensive Hauraki claim is Huhurere Tukukino—rangatira of the Ngati Tamatera and spokesperson for all of Hauraki in his time.

  2.  In 1986 Huhurere Tukukino lodged a claim for and on behalf of the people of Hauraki. The claim was given WAI number 100. A copy of the claim is attached here as Appendix 1.

  3.  In 1989 the Hauraki Maori Trust Board Act was enacted. This followed a 3 year consultative process undertaken by the iwi of Hauraki. The enactment of the legislation was preceded by a broad consensus that an organisation representing the 12 iwi of Hauraki should be established to provide for the needs of the Hauraki people.

  4.  Section 4 of the Act provides that the descendants of the following tribes are the beneficiaries of the Board:

Ngati Hako;

Ngati Hei;

Ngati Maru;

Ngati Paoa;

Te Patukirikiri;

Ngati Porou ki Harataunga ki Mataora;

Ngati Pukenga ki Waiau;

Ngati Rahiri Tumutumu;

Ngai Tai;

Ngati Tamatera;

Ngati Tara Tokanui; and

Ngati Whanaunga.

  1.  These are all of the tribes of Hauraki.

In this statement of claim the term "Hauraki" means the tangata whenua of Hauraki and the iwi, hapu, whanau, individuals and communities thereof.

  1.  In 1989 Huhurere Tukukino charged the Hauraki Maori Trust Board with the task of researching and prosecuting the Hauraki claim on behalf of himself and on behalf of all of the people of Hauraki. He charged the Hauraki Maori Trust Board to undertake this task faithfully and without fear or favour.

  2.  The Hauraki Maori Trust Board accepted responsibility for prosecution of the WAI 100 claim.

  3.  On 25 September 1991, Huhurere Tukukino returned to Hawaiki.

1.4 The claim

(a) The WAI 100 claim is a comprehensive claim on behalf of all of the tribes of Hauraki, covering the entire rohe of Hauraki, and identifying various breaches